[service] # The name of user/group Spectrum runs as. user = spectrum group = spectrum # JID of Spectrum instance. jid = ${SPECTRUM_HOSTNAME} # Password used to connect the XMPP server. password = ${SPECTRUM_PASSWORD} # XMPP server to which Spectrum connects in gateway mode. server = ${SPECTRUM_XMPP_HOST} # XMPP server port. port = 5347 # Interface on which Spectrum listens for backends. # backend_host = # Port on which Spectrum listens for backends. # By default Spectrum chooses random backend port and there's no need to change it normally # backend_port = 10001 # Number of users per one legacy network backend. users_per_backend = 10 # Full path to backend binary. backend = /usr/bin/spectrum2_libpurple_backend # Choice of "protocol=any" means that user sets his protocol in his JID which has to be in following format: protocol.username@domain.tld # So for example: prpl-jabber.hanzz.k%gmail.com@domain.tld protocol = ${SPECTRUM_PROTOCOL} # If enabled, your legacy network buddies will be removed when you unsubscribe from them in the XMPP. # enable_remove_buddy = true [identity] # Name of Spectrum instance in service discovery name = Spectrum Transport (${SPECTRUM_PROTOCOL}) # Type of transport ("msn", "icq", "xmpp"). # Check http://xmpp.org/registrar/disco-categories.html#gateway type = xmpp # Category of transport, default is "gateway". # category = gateway [logging] # log4cxx/log4j logging configuration file in ini format used for main spectrum2 instance. config = /etc/spectrum2/logging.cfg # log4cxx/log4j logging configuration file in ini format used for backends. backend_config = /etc/spectrum2/logging.cfg [database] # Database backend type # "sqlite3", "mysql", "pqxx", or "none" without database backend type = sqlite3 # For SQLite3: Full path to database # For MySQL and PostgreSQL: name of database # default database = /var/lib/spectrum2/$jid/database.sql # database = jabber_transport # Prefix used for tables # prefix = jabber_ [registration] # Enable public registrations enable_public_registration=${SPECTRUM_REGISTRATION_ENABLED} # Text to display upon user registration form # username_label=Jabber JID (e.g. user@server.tld): # instructions=Enter your remote jabber JID and password as well as your local username and password # If true a local Jabber account on is needed for transport registration, the idea # is to enable public registration from other servers, but only for users, who have already local accounts. # require_local_account=1 # local_username_label=Local username (without @server.tld): # local_account_server=localhost # local_account_server_timeout=10000