Alex Palaistras 100951c118 Update to latest CoreOS version
This partially reverts default network configuration, which will now
implicitly create the specified network without the ability to set
default plugins.

Templated services are also no longer enabled by default, but expect to
be enabled as part of concrete patterns.
2021-09-08 18:45:04 +01:00

123 lines
5.3 KiB

# CoreOS options.
STREAM := stable
VERSION := 34.20210821.3.0
ARCH := x86_64
HOST := $(if $(filter deploy-virtual,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),virtual,$(HOST))
# Default Makefile options.
ROOTDIR := $(dir $(realpath $(firstword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))))
TMPDIR := $(shell ls -d /var/tmp/fcos-build.???? 2>/dev/null || mktemp -d /var/tmp/fcos-build.XXXX && chmod 0755 /var/tmp/fcos-build.????)/
ADDRESS = $(shell ip -o route get 1 | awk '{for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) {if ($$i == "src") {print $$(i+1); exit}}}')
# Build-time dependencies.
BUTANE ?= $(call find-cmd,butane)
CURL ?= $(call find-cmd,curl) $(if $(VERBOSE),,--progress-bar) --fail
GPG ?= $(call find-cmd,gpg) $(if $(VERBOSE),,-q)
VIRSH ?= $(call find-cmd,virsh) --connect=qemu:///system $(if $(VERBOSE),,-q)
VIRTINSTALL ?= $(call find-cmd,virt-install) --connect=qemu:///system
NC ?= $(call find-cmd,nc) -vv -r -l
## Builds and deploys Fedora CoreOS for HOST on ADDRESS.
deploy: $(TMPDIR)host/$(HOST)/spec.ign
@printf "Serving Ignition config '$<' over HTTP...\n"
@printf 'HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\n\r\n%s\n' "$$(wc -c < $<)" "$$(cat $<)" | $(NC) -s $(ADDRESS) || exit 0
## Prepares and deploys CoreOS release for local, virtual environment.
deploy-virtual: $(TMPDIR)images/fedora-coreos-$(VERSION)-qemu.$(ARCH).qcow2.xz $(TMPDIR)host/$(HOST)/spec.ign
@printf "Preparing virtual environment...\n"
$Q $(VIRTINSTALL) --import --name="fcos-$(STREAM)-$(VERSION)-$(ARCH)" --os-variant=fedora34 \
--graphics=none --vcpus=2 --memory=2048 \
--disk="size=10,backing_store=$(TMPDIR)images/fedora-coreos-$(VERSION)-qemu.$(ARCH).qcow2" \
--qemu-commandline="-fw_cfg name=opt/com.coreos/config,file=$(TMPDIR)host/$(HOST)/spec.ign"
## Stop and remove virtual environment for CoreOS.
$Q $(VIRSH) destroy fcos-$(STREAM)-$(VERSION)-$(ARCH) || true
$Q $(VIRSH) undefine --remove-all-storage fcos-$(STREAM)-$(VERSION)-$(ARCH) || true
## Remove configuration files required for build.
@printf "Removing configuration files...\n"
$Q rm -Rf $(TMPDIR)config $(TMPDIR)host $(TMPDIR)make.depend
## Remove all temporary files required for build.
@printf "Cleaning all temporary files...\n"
$Q rm -Rf $(TMPDIR)
## Show usage information for this Makefile.
@printf "$(BOLD)$(UNDERLINE)CoreOS Home-Server Setup$(RESET)\n\n"
@printf "This Makefile contains tasks for processing auxiliary actions, such as\n"
@printf "building binaries, packages, or running tests against the test suite.\n\n"
@printf "$(UNDERLINE)Available Tasks$(RESET)\n\n"
@awk -F ':|##' '/^##/ {c=$$2; getline; printf "$(BLUE)%16s$(RESET)%s\n", $$1, c}' $(MAKEFILE_LIST)
@printf "\n"
# Copy host configuration in plain-text. Mainly used for development hosts.
$(TMPDIR)config/$(HOST).env: $(ROOTDIR)host/$(HOST)/$(HOST).env
$Q install -d $(@D)
$Q cp -f $< $@
# Copy encrypted host configuration. Used in production hosts.
$(TMPDIR)config/$(HOST).env.gpg: $(ROOTDIR)host/$(HOST)/$(HOST).env.gpg
@printf "Waiting to decrypt configuration for '$(HOST)'...\n"
$Q install -d $(@D)
$Q $(GPG) -o $@ --decrypt $<
# Copy directory tree if any of the files within are newer than the target directory.
$(TMPDIR)config/%/: $(shell find $(ROOTDIR)config/$* -type f -newer $(TMPDIR)config/$* 2>/dev/null)
$Q install -d $(dir $(@D))
$Q cp -Ru $(if $(VERBOSE),-v) $(ROOTDIR)config/$* $(dir $(@D))
$Q touch $(@D)
# Copy specific file if source file is newer.
$(TMPDIR)config/%: $(ROOTDIR)config/%
$Q install $(if $(VERBOSE),-v) -D $< $@
# Compile Ignition file from Butane configuration file.
$(TMPDIR)%.ign: $(ROOTDIR)%.bu
$Q install -d $(@D)
$Q $(BUTANE) --pretty --strict --files-dir $(TMPDIR)config -o $@ $<
# Download and, optionally, extract Fedora CoreOS installation image.
@printf "Downloading image file '$(@F)'...\n"
$Q install -d $(TMPDIR)images
$Q $(CURL) -o $@ $(IMAGE_URI)$(STREAM)/builds/$(VERSION)/$(ARCH)/$(@F)
$Q $(CURL) -o $@.sig $(IMAGE_URI)$(STREAM)/builds/$(VERSION)/$(ARCH)/$(@F).sig
$Q $(GPG) --verify $@.sig
$Q test $(suffix $(@F)) = .xz && xz --decompress $@ || true
$Q touch $@
# Generate Makefile dependencies from `local:` definitions in BUTANE files.
$(TMPDIR)make.depend: $(shell find $(ROOTDIR) -name '*.bu' -type f 2>/dev/null)
@printf "# Automatic prerequisites for Fedora CoreOS configuration." > $@
@printf "$(foreach i,$^,\n$(patsubst $(ROOTDIR)%.bu,$(TMPDIR)%.ign, \
$(i)): $(addprefix $(TMPDIR)config/, $(shell awk -F '[ ]+local:[ ]*' '/[ ]+local:/ {print $$2}' $(i))))" >> $@
# Show help if empty or invalid target has been given.
@printf "Invalid target '$@'...\n"
$Q $(MAKE) -s -f $(firstword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)) help
.PHONY: deploy deploy-virtual destroy-virtual clean purge help
# Conditional command echo control.
Q := $(if $(VERBOSE),,@)
# Find and return full path to command by name, or throw error if none can be found in PATH.
# Example use: $(call find-cmd,ls)
find-cmd = $(or $(firstword $(wildcard $(addsuffix /$(1),$(subst :, ,$(PATH))))),$(error "Command '$(1)' not found in PATH"))
# Shell colors, used in messages.
BOLD := \033[1m
UNDERLINE := \033[4m
BLUE := \033[36m
RESET := \033[0m
# Dependency includes.
include $(TMPDIR)make.depend