
32 lines
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Executable File

# Create configuration file from collected templates.
envsubst < /etc/writefreely/config.ini.template > /etc/writefreely/config.ini
mkdir -p /var/lib/writefreely/keys
# Initialize and run migrates on database if needed. New instances of WriteFreely will have a
# default administrator be created with a random password, which is echoed back to the system. It
# is intended that both the username and password are changed by whoever manages this instance.
if ! test -f /var/lib/writefreely/writefreely.db; then
writefreely -c /etc/writefreely/config.ini db init
password="$(dd if=/dev/urandom | tr -dc '[:alnum:]' | head -c 50)"
writefreely -c /etc/writefreely/config.ini user add --admin "default:${password}"
echo "Created an administrator user with username 'default' and password '${password}'"
echo "Make sure to change this immediately after logging in for the first time!"
writefreely -c /etc/writefreely/config.ini db migrate
# Generate keys, if none have already been generated.
if test -z "$(ls -A /var/lib/writefreely/keys)"; then
writefreely -c /etc/writefreely/config.ini keys generate
# Correct permissions for data files.
chown -R writefreely:writefreely /var/lib/writefreely
# Run entrypoint under specific user.
gosu writefreely /bin/writefreely -c /etc/writefreely/config.ini "$@"