Alex Palaistras b015769856 Add GTK configuration for Papyrus icon theme 2024-01-21 16:45:57 +00:00
aerc aerc: Add CardDAV configuration, fix coloring 2024-01-21 15:55:44 +00:00
alacritty alacritty: Move to TOML configuration 2024-01-05 15:12:25 +00:00
baresip baresip: Add console listener 2024-01-21 15:56:34 +00:00
btop btop: Update to latest version 2024-01-21 15:57:22 +00:00
calcurse calcurse: Update hooks, configuration 2024-01-06 18:45:03 +00:00
dconf Remove HiDPI hacks for Sway 2022-04-06 23:27:42 +01:00
doom doom: Introduce "minimal" profile for quick start 2024-01-10 22:37:35 +00:00
dunst Fixes all around the place 2023-08-23 16:26:35 +01:00
environment.d environment.d: Fix VISUAL editor invocation 2024-01-21 15:57:57 +00:00
fish fish: Add support functions for vterm 2022-04-01 19:16:28 +01:00
fontconfig Update configuration for Doom, Sway 2022-10-31 12:39:00 +00:00
gammastep Add initial support for a pure Sway-based environment 2021-06-14 12:50:44 +01:00
git Fix Dunst actions, other small fixes 2023-07-04 22:43:59 +01:00
gtk-3.0 Add GTK configuration for Papyrus icon theme 2024-01-21 16:45:57 +00:00
gtk-4.0 Add GTK configuration for Papyrus icon theme 2024-01-21 16:45:57 +00:00
imv Add configuration for IMV, an image viewer 2022-05-23 10:07:01 +01:00
kitty Add configuration for Kitty 2023-02-17 12:54:44 +00:00
mpd Fix Dunst actions, other small fixes 2023-07-04 22:43:59 +01:00
ncmpcpp Fixes for Doom, add Bluetooth panel applet 2023-09-17 16:33:42 +01:00
pinentry Fix issues with Yubikey GPG/SSH agent 2021-10-12 16:09:40 +01:00
qutebrowser Fix Dunst actions, other small fixes 2023-07-04 22:43:59 +01:00
rofi Default to 'sensible-terminal' for Sway 2023-02-17 13:07:40 +00:00
sway sway: Add XCURSOR variables to systemd environment 2024-01-21 16:00:49 +00:00
swaylock Remove HiDPI hacks for Sway 2022-04-06 23:27:42 +01:00
systemd/user Make TTY emacsclient the default EDITOR 2024-01-06 19:31:07 +00:00
waybar Fixes for Doom, add Bluetooth panel applet 2023-09-17 16:33:42 +01:00
xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml Bigger Sway gaps, NCMPCPP for music 2023-01-19 16:51:42 +00:00
zathura Update configuration for Rofi, Waybar, Zathura 2022-11-08 00:07:59 +00:00
Xresources Move Sway and Emacs configuration around 2022-01-05 13:16:18 +00:00
chromium-flags.conf Improve various components 2022-05-23 10:07:38 +01:00
sway-mimeapps.list Set up Aerc as default `mailto` handler 2024-01-06 18:58:56 +00:00