# ------------------ # Makefile for Fawks # ------------------ # Run `make help` for information on available actions. # -------------------- # Variable definitions # -------------------- # Default name for Fawkss executable. FAWKSS = $(CURDIR)/fawkss # Diff executable to use, prefer `colordiff` if installed. DIFF = $(shell which colordiff || which diff) TMPPID = $(shell echo $$PPID) # Test files to execute. TESTS ?= $(shell find tests/*.scss) # Color & style definitions. BOLD = \033[1m UNDERLINE = \033[4m RED = \033[31m GREEN = \033[32m BLUE = \033[36m RESET = \033[0m # ---------------- # Other directives # ---------------- # Make `help` be the default action when no arguments are passed to `make`. .DEFAULT_GOAL = help .PHONY: $(TESTS) test help # Awk script for extracting Fawkss documentation as Markdown. define EXTRACT_MARKDOWN /^(#|# .*)$$/ { if (f==1) {f=0; printf "```\n\n"} print substr($$0, 3) } /^[^#]/ { if (f==0) {f=1; printf "\n```awk\n"} print } !NF { print } END { if (f==1) {printf "```\n"} } endef export EXTRACT_MARKDOWN # ---------------- # Rule definitions # ---------------- ## Build documentation from source file in Markdown format. doc: @awk "$$EXTRACT_MARKDOWN" "$(FAWKSS)" ## Execute test suite, accepts list of specific files to run. test: test-before $(TESTS) test-after test-before: @printf ">> $(BOLD)Executing tests...$(RESET)\n" test-after: @printf ">> $(BOLD)Finished executing tests.$(RESET)\n" $(TESTS): @awk "/--- TEST ---/ {f=1;next} /--- EXPECTED ---/ {exit} f" $@ >> $@.test.$(TMPPID) @awk "/--- EXPECTED ---/ {f=1;next} /--- END ---/ {exit} f" $@ >> $@.expected.$(TMPPID) @$(FAWKSS) $@.test.$(TMPPID) > $@.actual.$(TMPPID) @printf ">> $(BOLD)Testing file '$@'...$(RESET) " @result=$$($(DIFF) -ud $@.actual.$(TMPPID) $@.expected.$(TMPPID) | tail -n +3); \ if [ -z "$${result}" ]; then \ printf "$(GREEN)OK$(RESET)\n"; \ else \ printf "$(RED)FAIL$(RESET)\n"; \ echo "$${result}"; \ fi \ @rm -f $@.test.$(TMPPID) $@.expected.$(TMPPID) $@.actual.$(TMPPID) ## Show usage information for this Makefile. help: @printf "Fawkss — The simple CSS preprocessor.\n\n" @printf "$(UNDERLINE)Available Tasks$(RESET)\n\n" @awk -F ':|##' '/^##/ {c=$$2; getline; printf "$(BLUE)%10s$(RESET) %s\n", $$1, c}' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) @printf "\n"