package php // #include // #include // #include "value.h" import "C" import ( "errors" "reflect" "unsafe" ) var errInvalidType = errors.New("Cannot create value of unknown type") type Value struct { value unsafe.Pointer } func (v *Value) Ptr() unsafe.Pointer { return v.value } func (v *Value) Destroy() { C.value_destroy(v.value) v = nil } func NewValue(val interface{}) (*Value, error) { var ptr unsafe.Pointer // Determine value type and create PHP value from the concrete type. v := reflect.ValueOf(val) switch v.Kind() { // Bind integer to PHP int type. case reflect.Int: ptr = C.value_create_long(C.long(v.Int())) // Bind floating point number to PHP double type. case reflect.Float64: ptr = C.value_create_double(C.double(v.Float())) // Bind boolean to PHP bool type. case reflect.Bool: ptr = C.value_create_bool(C.bool(v.Bool())) // Bind string to PHP string type. case reflect.String: str := C.CString(v.String()) defer ptr = C.value_create_string(str) // Bind slice to PHP indexed array type. case reflect.Slice: ptr = C.value_create_array(C.uint(v.Len())) for i := 0; i < v.Len(); i++ { vs, err := NewValue(v.Index(i).Interface()) if err != nil { return nil, err } C.value_array_set_index(ptr, C.ulong(i), vs.Ptr()) } // Bind map (with integer or string keys) to PHP associative array type. case reflect.Map: t := v.Type().Key().Kind() if t == reflect.Int || t == reflect.String { ptr = C.value_create_array(C.uint(v.Len())) for _, k := range v.MapKeys() { vm, err := NewValue(v.MapIndex(k).Interface()) if err != nil { return nil, err } if t == reflect.Int { C.value_array_set_index(ptr, C.ulong(k.Int()), vm.Ptr()) } else { str := C.CString(k.String()) C.value_array_set_key(ptr, str, vm.Ptr()) } } } else { return nil, errInvalidType } default: return nil, errInvalidType } return &Value{value: ptr}, nil }