
111 lines
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// Copyright 2017 Alexander Palaistras. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by the MIT license that can be found in
// the LICENSE file.
package engine
// #cgo CFLAGS: -I/usr/include/php -I/usr/include/php/main -I/usr/include/php/TSRM
// #cgo CFLAGS: -I/usr/include/php/Zend -Iinclude
// #include <stdlib.h>
// #include <main/php.h>
// #include "context.h"
import "C"
import (
// Context represents an individual execution context.
type Context struct {
// Output and Log are unbuffered writers used for regular and debug output,
// respectively. If left unset, any data written into either by the calling
// context will be lost.
Output io.Writer
Log io.Writer
// Header represents the HTTP headers set by current PHP context.
Header http.Header
context *C.struct__engine_context
values []*Value
// Bind allows for binding Go values into the current execution context under
// a certain name. Bind returns an error if attempting to bind an invalid value
// (check the documentation for NewValue for what is considered to be a "valid"
// value).
func (c *Context) Bind(name string, val interface{}) error {
v, err := NewValue(val)
if err != nil {
return err
n := C.CString(name)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(n))
C.context_bind(c.context, n, v.Ptr())
c.values = append(c.values, v)
return nil
// Exec executes a PHP script pointed to by filename in the current execution
// context, and returns an error, if any. Output produced by the script is
// written to the context's pre-defined io.Writer instance.
func (c *Context) Exec(filename string) error {
f := C.CString(filename)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(f))
_, err := C.context_exec(c.context, f)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error executing script '%s' in context", filename)
return nil
// Eval executes the PHP expression contained in script, and returns a Value
// containing the PHP value returned by the expression, if any. Any output
// produced is written context's pre-defined io.Writer instance.
func (c *Context) Eval(script string) (*Value, error) {
s := C.CString(script)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(s))
result, err := C.context_eval(c.context, s)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error executing script '%s' in context", script)
defer C.free(result)
val, err := NewValueFromPtr(result)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
c.values = append(c.values, val)
return val, nil
// Destroy tears down the current execution context along with any active value
// bindings for that context.
func (c *Context) Destroy() {
if c.context == nil {
for _, v := range c.values {
c.values = nil
c.context = nil