Add command-line parsing for user configuration

This commit adds basic command-line parsing facilities for Grawkit, in
allowing for user-defined configuration values; a large number of
previously hard-coded values have now been exposed as command-line
options, allowing for greater variability in use.

Fixes: #12
This commit is contained in:
Alex Palaistras 2023-03-25 16:11:54 +00:00
parent 7a50537810
commit 6da6d8c20f
1 changed files with 75 additions and 21 deletions

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/awk -f
#!/usr/bin/awk --exec
# Grawkit — The Awksome Git Graph Generator.
# ==========================================
@ -222,6 +222,38 @@ function parse_command(str, _, i, m) {
# > Function `parse_arguments` implements basic command-line parsing, based on pre-existing defaults
# in the global `config` array. Processing will cease as soon an unknown command-line argument is
# encountered, in order to prevent incorrect handling of filenames
function parse_arguments(argc, argv, _, arg, i, option) {
for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
# Stop reading at first non-command-line option.
if (substr(argv[i], 0, 2) != "--") {
arg = ltrim(argv[i], "-")
if (arg == "help") {
printf "Usage: grawkit [--help] "
for (k in config) {
printf "[--%s] ", k
printf "[FILE]\n"
exit exit_code = 0
} else {
# Check if command-line option given corresponds to a configuration option, or stop
# handling any more options.
if (split(arg, option, "=") == 2 && option[1] in config) {
config[option[1]] = option[2]
} else {
delete argv[i]
# > Function `normalize` removes invalid characters and makes string lower-case.
function normalize(str) {
gsub("[/_. ]", "-", str)
@ -262,6 +294,25 @@ function rtrim(str, ch) {
# This block contains logic for initializing global variables used across Grawkit.
# Default configuration and command-line argument parsing.
config["default-branch"] = "master"
config["branch-spacing"] = "50"
config["branch-fill"] = "none"
config["branch-stroke-width"] = "10"
config["commit-spacing"] = "50"
config["commit-fill"] = "#fff"
config["label-spacing"] = "10"
config["label-round"] = "3"
config["label-fill"] = "#333"
config["label-text"] = "#fff"
config["label-font"] = "Inconsolata, Consolas, monospace"
config["label-font-size"] = "14"
config["palette"] = "#002b36,#268bd2,#859900,#cb4b16,#2aa198,#dc322f,#d33682,#6c71c4,#b58900"
parse_arguments(ARGC, ARGV)
# Errors.
message["branch/no-name"] = "Empty name for `git branch`, line %d"
message["branch/no-branch"] = "No branch with name '%s', line %d"
@ -283,24 +334,24 @@ BEGIN {
rule["tag"] = "^git tag"
# Style definitions.
style["branch/spacing"] = "50"
style["branch/fill"] = "none"
style["branch/stroke-width"] = "10"
style["branch/spacing"] = config["branch-spacing"]
style["branch/fill"] = config["branch-fill"]
style["branch/stroke-width"] = config["branch-stroke-width"]
style["commit/spacing"] = "50"
style["commit/fill"] = "#fff"
style["commit/spacing"] = config["commit-spacing"]
style["commit/fill"] = config["commit-fill"]
style["commit/stroke-width"] = style["branch/stroke-width"] / 2
style["commit/radius"] = style["commit/stroke-width"] * 1.5
style["label/spacing"] = "10"
style["label/round"] = "3"
style["label/fill"] = "#333"
style["label/text"] = "#fff"
style["label/font"] = "Inconsolata, Consolas, monospace"
style["label/font-size"] = "14"
style["label/spacing"] = config["label-spacing"]
style["label/round"] = config["label-round"]
style["label/fill"] = config["label-fill"]
style["label/text"] = config["label-text"]
style["label/font"] = config["label-font"]
style["label/font-size"] = config["label-font-size"]
# Color scheme, based on `base16-solarized-dark`
style["pallete"] = "#002b36,#268bd2,#859900,#cb4b16,#2aa198,#dc322f,#d33682,#6c71c4,#b58900"
style["palette"] = config["palette"]
# Static SVG templates.
svg["svg"] = "<svg xmlns=\"\" viewBox=\"%d %d %d %d\">"
@ -314,7 +365,7 @@ BEGIN {
svg["text"] = "<text x=\"%d\" y=\"%d\" textLength=\"%d\" class=\"label-text\">%s</text>"
# Branch definitions.
branches[0,"name"] = "master"
branches[0,"name"] = config["default-branch"]
branches[0,"refs"] = ""
branches[0,"merges"] = "0||0"
branches[0,"tags"] = ""
@ -331,6 +382,7 @@ BEGIN {
# Other global variables.
command[""] = ""
exit_code = -1
error = ""
@ -484,10 +536,12 @@ $0 ~ rule["tag"] {
# defined in the command-line provided.
# Handle any error that might've occurred during parsing.
if (error != "") {
# Handle any early exit or error that might've occurred during parsing.
if (exit_code > -1) {
exit exit_code
} else if (error != "") {
print error | "cat >&2"
exit 1
exit (exit_code > -1) ? exit_code : 1
w = 0
@ -551,14 +605,14 @@ END {
print "\tstroke: none;"
print "}"
split(style["pallete"], pallete, ",")
split(style["palette"], palette, ",")
# Print color scheme definitions for branches.
for (i = 0; i < len["branches"]; i++) {
printf ".branch-" normalize(branches[i,"name"]) " {"
# Reuse pallete (except primary colour which is reserved for master).
p = (i - 1) % (count(pallete) - 1) + 2
printf "stroke: " pallete[p] "; fill: " pallete[p] "}\n"
# Reuse palette (except primary colour which is reserved for master).
p = (i - 1) % (count(palette) - 1) + 2
printf "stroke: " palette[p] "; fill: " palette[p] "}\n"
print "]]></style>"