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package xmpp
import (
// Standard library
// Third-party packages
// DefaultAuthMechanisms represents the list of SASL authentication mechanisms this client is allowed
// to use in server authentication.
var defaultAuthMechanisms = []sasl.Mechanism{
// Config represents required and optional configuration values used in setting up the XMPP bot client.
type Config struct {
// Required configuration.
JID string
Password string
// Optional configuration.
NoTLS bool // Whether to disable TLS connection to the XMPP server.
UseStartTLS bool // Whether or not connection will be allowed to be made over StartTLS.
// Other fields.
Logger *zap.Logger // The instance to use for emitting log messages.
// Client represents an active XMPP session against a server, and configuration for handling messages
// against a Joe instance.
type Client struct {
brain *joe.Brain // The mediator between this adapter and other handlers.
session *xmpp.Session // The active XMPP session.
logger *zap.Logger // The logger instance to use, defaults to a global logger used by Joe.
// Send wraps the given text in a message stanza and sets the recipient to the given channel, which
// is expected to be a JID (bare for direct messages). A error is returned if the channel JID does
// not parse, or if the message fails to send for any reason.
func (c *Client) Send(msg, channel string) error {
jid, err := jid.Parse(channel)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "parsing JID failed")
// Determine whether this is a direct or group-chat message from the resource part of the JID,
// which is only set if the message was originally sent as part of a group-chat.
var kind = stanza.ChatMessage
if jid.Resourcepart() != "" {
msg = jid.Resourcepart() + ", " + msg
jid, kind = jid.Bare(), stanza.GroupChatMessage
c.logger.Debug("Sending message",
zap.String("jid", jid.String()),
zap.String("type", string(kind)))
return c.session.Send(context.Background(),
xml.StartElement{Name: xml.Name{Local: "body"}},
Name: xml.Name{Local: "message"},
Attr: []xml.Attr{
{Name: xml.Name{Local: "id"}, Value: randomID()},
{Name: xml.Name{Local: "to"}, Value: jid.String()},
{Name: xml.Name{Local: "type"}, Value: string(kind)},
// GroupInfo represents information needed for joining a MUC, either automatically or as part of an
// invite (direct or mediated).
type GroupInfo struct {
Channel jid.JID `xml:"-"`
Password string `xml:"password`
Invite struct {
From jid.JID `xml:"from,attr"`
} `xml:"invite"`
// MessageStanza represents an XMPP message stanza, commonly used for transferring chat messages
// among users or group-chats.
type MessageStanza struct {
// Base, common fields.
Body string `xml:"body"`
// Additional, optional fields.
Group GroupInfo `xml:"x"`
// HandleInvite responds to the given invite (direct or mediated) with an 'available' presence,
// which allows the client to participate in MUCs.
func (c *Client) HandleInvite(w xmlstream.TokenWriter, info *GroupInfo) error {
jid, err := info.Channel.WithResource(c.session.LocalAddr().Localpart())
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "setting JID for MUC failed")
_, err = xmlstream.Copy(w, xmlstream.Wrap(
xml.StartElement{Name: xml.Name{Local: "password"}},
xmlstream.Wrap(nil, xml.StartElement{
Name: xml.Name{Local: "history"},
Attr: []xml.Attr{
{Name: xml.Name{Local: "maxchars"}, Value: "0"},
Name: xml.Name{Local: "x"},
Attr: []xml.Attr{
{Name: xml.Name{Local: "xmlns"}, Value: "http://jabber.org/protocol/muc"},
ID: randomID(),
Type: stanza.AvailablePresence,
To: jid,
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "setting presence for MUC failed")
return nil
// HandleMessage parses the given MessageStanza, validating its contents and responding either as a
// direct message, or as a group-chat mention, depending on the intent. HandleMessage will also handle
// invites to group-chats, joining these automatically and with no confirmation needed.
// By default, only messages prepended with the local part of the client JID will be responded to in
// group-chats; this is to avoid handling messages where this is not wanted. Such mentions will be,
// in turn, responded to with a mention for the sending user.
// Currently, only mediated invites (XEP-0045) are handled, and rooms are not re-joined if the client
// closes its connection to the server.
func (c *Client) HandleMessage(w xmlstream.TokenWriter, msg *MessageStanza) error {
var authorID = msg.From.Bare().String()
var channel = msg.From.Bare().String()
switch msg.Type {
case stanza.GroupChatMessage:
// Don't handle messages that aren't intended for us.
n := strings.ToLower(c.session.LocalAddr().Localpart())
if len(msg.Body) <= len(n) || strings.ToLower(msg.Body[:len(n)]) != n {
return nil
channel = msg.From.String()
msg.Body = strings.Trim(msg.Body[len(n):], " ,:")
case stanza.ChatMessage:
// Do not attempt to handle empty or invalid messages.
if msg.Body == "" {
return nil
ID: msg.ID,
Text: msg.Body,
AuthorID: authorID,
Channel: channel,
Data: msg,
// Check if message is a mediated MUC invite, and join MUC if so.
if !msg.Group.Invite.From.Equal(jid.JID{}) {
msg.Group.Channel = msg.From.Bare()
return c.HandleInvite(w, &msg.Group)
return nil
// PresenceStanza represents an XMPP presence stanza, commonly used for communicating
// availability.
type PresenceStanza struct {
// Base, common fields.
// HandlePresence parses the given PresenceStanza and responds (usually to the affirmative),
// depending on the presence type, e.g. for subscription requests, HandlePresence will automatically
// subscribe and respond. Any errors returned in parsing on responding will be returned.
func (c *Client) HandlePresence(w xmlstream.TokenWriter, p *PresenceStanza) error {
var err error
// Handle presence stanza based on type.
switch p.Type {
case stanza.SubscribePresence:
// Respond to subscription requests automatically.
_, err = xmlstream.Copy(w, stanza.Presence{
ID: randomID(),
Type: stanza.SubscribedPresence,
To: p.From,
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// HandleXMPP parses incoming XML tokens and calls a corresponding handler, e.g. HandleMessage, for
// the stanza type represented. Unhandled stanza types will be ignored with no error returned.
func (c *Client) HandleXMPP(t xmlstream.TokenReadEncoder, start *xml.StartElement) error {
var stanza interface{}
var err error
switch start.Name.Local {
case "message":
stanza = &MessageStanza{}
case "presence":
stanza = &PresenceStanza{}
c.logger.Debug("Ignoring unknown stanza type", zap.String("type", start.Name.Local))
return nil // Unknown stanza type, do not handle.
err = xml.NewTokenDecoder(t).DecodeElement(&stanza, start)
if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
c.logger.Error("Decoding element failed", zap.Error(err))
return nil
switch start.Name.Local {
case "message":
if err := c.HandleMessage(t, stanza.(*MessageStanza)); err != nil {
c.logger.Error("Handling message failed", zap.Error(err))
case "presence":
if err := c.HandlePresence(t, stanza.(*PresenceStanza)); err != nil {
c.logger.Error("Handling presence failed", zap.Error(err))
return nil
// RegisterAt sets the Joe Brain instance for the XMPP client.
func (c *Client) RegisterAt(brain *joe.Brain) {
c.brain = brain
// Close shuts down the active XMPP session and server connection, returning an error if the process
// fails at any point.
func (c *Client) Close() error {
if err := c.session.Close(); err != nil {
return err
if err := c.session.Conn().Close(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Adapter initializes an XMPP client connection according to configuration given, and returns a Joe
// module, usable in calls to joe.New(), or an error if any occurs.
func Adapter(conf Config) joe.Module {
return joe.ModuleFunc(func(joeConf *joe.Config) error {
// Parse and set up JID.
id, err := jid.Parse(conf.JID)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "parsing JID failed")
var ctx = context.Background()
var dialer = &dial.Dialer{NoTLS: conf.NoTLS}
// Initialze connection according to configuration.
conn, err := dialer.Dial(ctx, "tcp", id)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "establishing connection failed")
// Enable optional features and initialize client session, according to configuration.
features := []xmpp.StreamFeature{xmpp.BindResource()}
if conf.UseStartTLS {
features = append(features, xmpp.StartTLS(true, &tls.Config{ServerName: id.Domain().String()}))
if conf.Password != "" {
features = append(features, xmpp.SASL("", conf.Password, defaultAuthMechanisms...))
sess, err := xmpp.NewClientSession(ctx, id, conn, false, features...)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "establishing session failed")
var c = &Client{session: sess, logger: conf.Logger}
if c.logger == nil {
c.logger = joeConf.Logger(id.Network())
// Send initial presence to let the server know we want to receive messages.
err = c.session.Send(ctx, stanza.Presence{Type: stanza.AvailablePresence}.Wrap(nil))
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "setting initial presence failed")
go c.session.Serve(c)
return nil
// RandomID returns a cryptographically secure, 16-byte random string, useful for adding to stanzas
// for uniquely identifying them.
func randomID() string {
var buf = make([]byte, 16)
return fmt.Sprintf("%x", buf)[:16]