Fork 0

193 lines
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package joe
import (
// An Adapter connects the bot with the chat by enabling it to receive and send
// messages. Additionally advanced adapters can emit more events than just the
// ReceiveMessageEvent (e.g. the slack adapter also emits the UserTypingEvent).
// All adapter events must be setup in the RegisterAt function of the Adapter.
// Joe provides a default CLIAdapter implementation which connects the bot with
// the local shell to receive messages from stdin and print messages to stdout.
type Adapter interface {
Send(text, channel string) error
Close() error
// ReactionAwareAdapter is an optional interface that Adapters can implement if
// they support reacting to messages with emojis.
type ReactionAwareAdapter interface {
React(reactions.Reaction, Message) error
// The CLIAdapter is the default Adapter implementation that the bot uses if no
// other adapter was configured. It emits a ReceiveMessageEvent for each line it
// receives from stdin and prints all sent messages to stdout.
// The CLIAdapter does not set the Message.Data field.
type CLIAdapter struct {
Prefix string
Input io.ReadCloser
Output io.Writer
Logger *zap.Logger
Author string // used to set the author of the messages, defaults to os.Getenv("USER)
mu sync.Mutex // protects the Output and closing channel
closing chan chan error
// NewCLIAdapter creates a new CLIAdapter. The caller must call Close
// to make the CLIAdapter stop reading messages and emitting events.
func NewCLIAdapter(name string, logger *zap.Logger) *CLIAdapter {
return &CLIAdapter{
Prefix: fmt.Sprintf("%s > ", name),
Input: os.Stdin,
Output: os.Stdout,
Logger: logger,
Author: os.Getenv("USER"),
closing: make(chan chan error),
// RegisterAt starts the CLIAdapter by reading messages from stdin and emitting
// a ReceiveMessageEvent for each of them. Additionally the adapter hooks into
// the InitEvent to print a nice prefix to stdout to show to the user it is
// ready to accept input.
func (a *CLIAdapter) RegisterAt(brain *Brain) {
brain.RegisterHandler(func(evt InitEvent) {
_ = a.print(a.Prefix)
go a.loop(brain)
func (a *CLIAdapter) loop(brain *Brain) {
input := a.readLines()
// The adapter loop is built to stay responsive even if the Brain stops
// processing events so we can safely close the CLIAdapter.
// We want to print the prefix each time when the Brain has completely
// processed a ReceiveMessageEvent and before we are emitting the next one.
// This gives us a shell-like behavior which signals to the user that she
// can input more data on the CLI. This channel is buffered so we do not
// block the Brain when it executes the callback.
callback := make(chan Event, 1)
callbackFun := func(evt Event) {
callback <- evt
var lines = input // channel represents the case that we receive a new message
for {
select {
case msg, ok := <-lines:
if !ok {
// no more input from stdin
lines = nil // disable this case and wait for closing signal
lines = nil // disable this case and wait for the callback
brain.Emit(ReceiveMessageEvent{Text: msg, AuthorID: a.Author}, callbackFun)
case <-callback:
// This case is executed after all ReceiveMessageEvent handlers have
// completed and we can continue with the next line.
_ = a.print(a.Prefix)
lines = input // activate first case again
case result := <-a.closing:
if lines == nil {
// We were just waiting for our callback
_ = a.print(a.Prefix)
_ = a.print("\n")
result <- a.Input.Close()
// ReadLines reads lines from stdin and returns them in a channel.
// All strings in the returned channel will not include the trailing newline.
// The channel is closed automatically when a.Input is closed.
func (a *CLIAdapter) readLines() <-chan string {
r := bufio.NewReader(a.Input)
lines := make(chan string)
go func() {
// This goroutine will exit when we call a.Input.Close() which will make
// r.ReadString(…) return an io.EOF.
for {
line, err := r.ReadString('\n')
switch {
case err == io.EOF:
case err != nil:
a.Logger.Error("Failed to read messages from input", zap.Error(err))
lines <- line[:len(line)-1]
return lines
// Send implements the Adapter interface by sending the given text to stdout.
// The channel argument is required by the Adapter interface but is otherwise ignored.
func (a *CLIAdapter) Send(text, channel string) error {
return a.print(text + "\n")
// React implements the optional ReactionAwareAdapter interface by simply
// printing the given reaction as UTF8 emoji to the CLI.
func (a *CLIAdapter) React(r reactions.Reaction, _ Message) error {
return a.print(r.String() + "\n")
// Close makes the CLIAdapter stop emitting any new events or printing any output.
// Calling this function more than once will result in an error.
func (a *CLIAdapter) Close() error {
if a.closing == nil {
return errors.Errorf("already closed")
a.Logger.Debug("Closing CLIAdapter")
callback := make(chan error)
a.closing <- callback
err := <-callback
// Mark CLIAdapter as closed by setting its closing channel to nil.
// This will prevent any more output to be printed after this function returns.
a.closing = nil
return err
func (a *CLIAdapter) print(msg string) error {
if a.closing == nil {
return errors.New("adapter is closed")
_, err := fmt.Fprint(a.Output, msg)
return err