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// Package joe contains a general purpose bot library inspired by Hubot.
package joe
import (
// A Bot represents an event based chat bot. For the most simple usage you can
// use the Bot.Respond(…) function to make the bot execute a function when it
// receives a message that matches a given pattern.
// More advanced usage includes persisting memory or emitting your own events
// using the Brain of the robot.
type Bot struct {
Name string
Adapter Adapter
Brain *Brain
Store *Storage
Auth *Auth
Logger *zap.Logger
ctx context.Context
initErr error // any error when we created a new bot
// A Module is an optional Bot extension that can add new capabilities such as
// a different Memory implementation or Adapter.
type Module interface {
Apply(*Config) error
// ModuleFunc is a function implementation of a Module.
type ModuleFunc func(*Config) error
// Apply implements the Module interface.
func (f ModuleFunc) Apply(conf *Config) error {
return f(conf)
// New creates a new Bot and initializes it with the given Modules and Options.
// By default the Bot will use an in-memory Storage and a CLI adapter that
// reads messages from stdin and writes to stdout.
// The modules can be used to change the Memory or Adapter or register other new
// functionality. Additionally you can pass Options which allow setting some
// simple configuration such as the event handler timeouts or injecting a
// different context. All Options are available as functions in this package
// that start with "With…".
// If there was an error initializing a Module it is stored and returned on the
// next call to Bot.Run(). Before you start the bot however you should register
// your custom event handlers.
// Example:
// b := joe.New("example",
// redis.Memory("localhost:6379"),
// slack.Adapter("xoxb-58942365423-…"),
// joehttp.Server(":8080"),
// joe.WithHandlerTimeout(time.Second),
// )
// b.Respond("ping", b.Pong)
// b.Brain.RegisterHandler(b.Init)
// err := b.Run()
// …
func New(name string, modules ...Module) *Bot {
ctx := newContext(modules)
logger := newLogger(modules)
brain := NewBrain(logger.Named("brain"))
store := NewStorage(logger.Named("memory"))
conf := NewConfig(logger, brain, store, NewCLIAdapter(name, logger))
conf.Context = ctx
conf.Name = name
conf.HandlerTimeout = brain.handlerTimeout
logger.Info("Initializing bot", zap.String("name", name))
for _, mod := range modules {
err := mod.Apply(&conf)
if err != nil {
conf.errs = append(conf.errs, err)
// apply all configuration options
brain.handlerTimeout = conf.HandlerTimeout
return &Bot{
Name: conf.Name,
ctx: conf.Context,
Logger: conf.logger,
Adapter: conf.adapter,
Auth: NewAuth(conf.logger, store),
Brain: brain,
Store: store,
initErr: multierr.Combine(conf.errs...),
func newContext(modules []Module) context.Context {
var conf Config
for _, mod := range modules {
if x, ok := mod.(loggerModule); ok {
_ = x(&conf)
if conf.Context != nil {
return conf.Context
return cliContext()
// cliContext creates the default context.Context that is used by the bot.
// This context is canceled if the bot receives a SIGINT, SIGQUIT or SIGTERM.
func cliContext() context.Context {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
sig := make(chan os.Signal)
signal.Notify(sig, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGQUIT, syscall.SIGTERM)
go func() {
return ctx
func newLogger(modules []Module) *zap.Logger {
var conf Config
for _, mod := range modules {
if x, ok := mod.(loggerModule); ok {
_ = x(&conf)
if conf.logger != nil {
return conf.logger
cfg := zap.Config{
Level: zap.NewAtomicLevelAt(zap.DebugLevel),
Development: false,
Encoding: "console",
EncoderConfig: zapcore.EncoderConfig{
TimeKey: "T",
LevelKey: "L",
NameKey: "N",
MessageKey: "M",
LineEnding: zapcore.DefaultLineEnding,
EncodeLevel: zapcore.CapitalLevelEncoder,
EncodeTime: zapcore.ISO8601TimeEncoder,
EncodeDuration: zapcore.StringDurationEncoder,
EncodeCaller: zapcore.ShortCallerEncoder,
OutputPaths: []string{"stderr"},
ErrorOutputPaths: []string{"stderr"},
logger, err := cfg.Build()
if err != nil {
return logger
// Run starts the bot and runs its event handler loop until the bots context
// is canceled (by default via SIGINT, SIGQUIT or SIGTERM). If there was an
// an error when setting up the Bot via New() or when registering the event
// handlers it will be returned immediately.
func (b *Bot) Run() error {
if b.initErr != nil {
return errors.Wrap(b.initErr, "failed to initialize bot")
if len(b.Brain.registrationErrs) > 0 {
errs := multierr.Combine(b.Brain.registrationErrs...)
return errors.Wrap(errs, "invalid event handlers")
go func() {
// Keep running until the context is canceled via SIGINT.
shutdownCtx := cliContext() // closed upon another SIGINT
b.Logger.Info("Bot initialized and ready to operate", zap.String("name", b.Name))
b.Logger.Info("Bot is shutting down", zap.String("name", b.Name))
err := b.Adapter.Close()
if err != nil {
b.Logger.Info("Error while closing adapter", zap.Error(err))
err = b.Store.Close()
if err != nil {
b.Logger.Info("Error while closing memory", zap.Error(err))
return nil
// Respond registers an event handler that listens for the ReceiveMessageEvent
// and executes the given function only if the message text matches the given
// message. The message will be matched against the msg string as regular
// expression that must match the entire message in a case insensitive way.
// You can use sub matches in the msg which will be passed to the function via
// Message.Matches.
// If you need complete control over the regular expression, e.g. because you
// want the patter to match only a substring of the message but not all of it,
// you can use Bot.RespondRegex(…). For even more control you can also directly
// use Brain.RegisterHandler(…) with a function that accepts ReceiveMessageEvent
// instances.
// If multiple matching patterns are registered, only the first registered
// handler is executed.
func (b *Bot) Respond(msg string, fun func(Message) error) {
expr := "^" + msg + "$"
b.RespondRegex(expr, fun)
// RespondRegex is like Bot.Respond(…) but gives a little more control over the
// regular expression. However, also with this function messages are matched in
// a case insensitive way.
func (b *Bot) RespondRegex(expr string, fun func(Message) error) {
if expr == "" {
if expr[0] == '^' {
// String starts with the "^" anchor but does it also have the prefix
// or case insensitive matching?
if !strings.HasPrefix(expr, "^(?i)") { // TODO: strings.ToLower would be easier?
expr = "^(?i)" + expr[1:]
} else {
// The string is not starting with "^" but maybe it has the prefix for
// case insensitive matching already?
if !strings.HasPrefix(expr, "(?i)") {
expr = "(?i)" + expr
regex, err := regexp.Compile(expr)
if err != nil {
caller := firstExternalCaller()
err = errors.Wrap(err, caller)
b.Brain.registrationErrs = append(b.Brain.registrationErrs, err)
b.Brain.RegisterHandler(func(ctx context.Context, evt ReceiveMessageEvent) error {
matches := regex.FindStringSubmatch(evt.Text)
if len(matches) == 0 {
return nil
// If the event text matches our regular expression we can already mark
// the event context as done so the Brain does not run any other handlers
// that might match the received message.
return fun(Message{
Context: ctx,
ID: evt.ID,
Text: evt.Text,
AuthorID: evt.AuthorID,
Data: evt.Data,
Channel: evt.Channel,
Matches: matches[1:],
adapter: b.Adapter,
// Say is a helper function to makes the Bot output the message via its Adapter
// (e.g. to the CLI or to Slack). If there is at least one vararg the msg and
// args are formatted using fmt.Sprintf.
func (b *Bot) Say(channel, msg string, args ...interface{}) {
if len(args) > 0 {
msg = fmt.Sprintf(msg, args...)
err := b.Adapter.Send(msg, channel)
if err != nil {
b.Logger.Error("Failed to send message", zap.Error(err))