Fork 0

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package joe
import (
// The Brain contains the core logic of a Bot by implementing an event handling
// system that dispatches events to all registered event handlers.
type Brain struct {
logger *zap.Logger
eventsInput chan Event // input for any new events, the Brain ensures that callers never block when writing to it
eventsLoop chan Event // used in Brain.HandleEvents() to actually process the events
shutdown chan shutdownRequest
mu sync.RWMutex // mu protects concurrent access to the handlers
handlers map[reflect.Type][]eventHandler
handlerTimeout time.Duration // zero means no timeout, defaults to one minute
registrationErrs []error // any errors that occurred during setup (e.g. in Bot.RegisterHandler)
handlingEvents int32 // accessed atomically (non-zero means the event handler was started)
closed int32 // accessed atomically (non-zero means the brain was shutdown already)
// An Event represents a concrete event type and optional callbacks that are
// triggered when the event was processed by all registered handlers.
type Event struct {
Data interface{}
Callbacks []func(Event)
AbortEarly bool
// The shutdownRequest type is used when signaling shutdown information between
// Brain.Shutdown() and the Brain.HandleEvents loop.
type shutdownRequest struct {
ctx context.Context
callback chan bool
// An eventHandler is a function that takes a context and the reflected value
// of a concrete event type.
type eventHandler func(context.Context, reflect.Value) error
// ctxKey is used to pass meta information to event handlers via the context.
type ctxKey string
// ctxKeyEvent is the context key under which we can lookup the internal *Event
// instance in a handler.
const ctxKeyEvent ctxKey = "event"
// FinishEventContent can be called from within your event handler functions
// to indicate that the Brain should not execute any other handlers after the
// calling handler has returned.
func FinishEventContent(ctx context.Context) {
evt, _ := ctx.Value(ctxKeyEvent).(*Event)
if evt != nil {
evt.AbortEarly = true
// NewBrain creates a new robot Brain. If the passed logger is nil it will
// fallback to the zap.NewNop() logger.
func NewBrain(logger *zap.Logger) *Brain {
if logger == nil {
logger = zap.NewNop()
b := &Brain{
logger: logger,
eventsInput: make(chan Event),
eventsLoop: make(chan Event),
shutdown: make(chan shutdownRequest),
handlers: make(map[reflect.Type][]eventHandler),
handlerTimeout: time.Minute,
return b
func (b *Brain) isHandlingEvents() bool {
return atomic.LoadInt32(&b.handlingEvents) == 1
func (b *Brain) isClosed() bool {
return atomic.LoadInt32(&b.closed) == 1
// RegisterHandler registers a function to be executed when a specific event is
// fired. The function signature must comply with the following rules or the bot
// that uses this Brain will return an error on its next Bot.Run() call:
// Allowed function signatures:
// // AnyType can be any scalar, struct or interface type as long as it is not
// // a pointer.
// func(AnyType)
// // You can optionally accept a context as the first argument. The context
// // is used to signal handler timeouts or when the bot is shutting down.
// func(context.Context, AnyType)
// // You can optionally return a single error value. Returning any other type
// // or returning more than one value is not possible. If the handler
// // returns an error it will be logged.
// func(AnyType) error
// // Event handlers can also accept an interface in which case they will be
// // be called for all events which implement the interface. Consequently,
// // you can register a function which accepts the empty interface which will
// // will receive all emitted events. Such event handlers can optionally also
// // accept a context and/or return an error like other handlers.
// func(context.Context, interface{}) error
// The event, that will be dispatched to the passed handler function, corresponds
// directly to the accepted function argument. For instance if you want to emit
// and receive a custom event you can implement it like this:
// type CustomEvent struct {}
// b := NewBrain(nil)
// b.RegisterHandler(func(evt CustomEvent) {
// …
// })
// If multiple handlers are registered for the same event type, then they are
// all executed in the order in which they have been registered.
// You should register all handlers before you start the bot via Bot.Run(…).
// While registering handlers later is also possible, any registration errors
// will silently be ignored if you register an invalid handler when the bot is
// already running.
func (b *Brain) RegisterHandler(fun interface{}) {
err := b.registerHandler(fun)
if err != nil {
caller := firstExternalCaller()
err = errors.Wrap(err, caller)
b.registrationErrs = append(b.registrationErrs, err)
func (b *Brain) registerHandler(fun interface{}) error {
handler := reflect.ValueOf(fun)
handlerType := handler.Type()
if handlerType.Kind() != reflect.Func {
return errors.New("event handler is no function")
evtType, withContext, err := checkHandlerParams(handlerType)
if err != nil {
return err
returnsErr, err := checkHandlerReturnValues(handlerType)
if err != nil {
return err
b.logger.Debug("Registering new event handler",
zap.Stringer("event_type", evtType),
handlerFun := newHandlerFunc(handler, withContext, returnsErr)
b.handlers[evtType] = append(b.handlers[evtType], handlerFun)
return nil
// Emit sends the first argument as event to the brain from where it is
// dispatched to all registered handlers. The events are dispatched
// asynchronously but in the same order in which they are send to this function.
// Emit does not block until the event is delivered to the registered event
// handlers. If you want to wait until all handlers have processed the event you
// can pass one or more callback functions that will be executed when all
// handlers finished execution of this event.
func (b *Brain) Emit(event interface{}, callbacks ...func(Event)) {
if b.isClosed() {
"Ignoring new event because brain is currently shutting down or is already closed",
zap.String("type", fmt.Sprintf("%T", event)),
b.eventsInput <- Event{Data: event, Callbacks: callbacks}
// HandleEvents starts the event handling loop of the Brain.
// This function blocks until Brain.Shutdown() is called and returned.
func (b *Brain) HandleEvents() {
if b.isClosed() {
b.logger.Error("HandleEvents failed because bot is already closed")
ctx := context.Background()
var shutdown shutdownRequest // set when Brain.Shutdown() is called
atomic.StoreInt32(&b.handlingEvents, 1)
b.handleEvent(ctx, Event{Data: InitEvent{}})
for {
select {
case evt, ok := <-b.eventsLoop:
if !ok {
// Brain.consumeEvents() is done processing all remaining events
// and we can now safely shutdown the event handler, knowing that
// all pending events have been processed.
b.handleEvent(ctx, Event{Data: ShutdownEvent{}})
shutdown.callback <- true
b.handleEvent(ctx, evt)
case shutdown = <-b.shutdown:
// The Brain is shutting down. We have to close the input channel so
// we doe no longer accept new events and only process the remaining
// pending events. When the goroutine of Brain.consumeEvents() is
// done it will close the events loop channel and the case above will
// use the shutdown callback and return from this function.
ctx = shutdown.ctx
atomic.StoreInt32(&b.handlingEvents, 0)
// consumeEvents continuously reads events from b.eventsInput in a new goroutine
// so emitting an event never blocks on the caller. All events will be returned
// in the result channel of this function in the same order in which they have
// been inserted into b.events. In this sense this function provides an events
// channel with "infinite" capacity. The spawned goroutine stops when the
// b.eventsInput channel is closed.
func (b *Brain) consumeEvents() {
var queue []Event
b.eventsLoop = make(chan Event)
outChan := func() chan Event {
if len(queue) == 0 {
// In case the queue is empty we return a nil channel to disable the
// corresponding select case in the goroutine below.
return nil
return b.eventsLoop
nextEvt := func() Event {
if len(queue) == 0 {
// Prevent index out of bounds if there is no next event. Note that
// this event is actually never received because the outChan()
// function above will return "nil" in this case which disables the
// corresponding select case.
return Event{}
return queue[0]
go func() {
for {
select {
case evt, ok := <-b.eventsInput:
if !ok {
// Events input channel was closed because Brain is shutting
// down. Emit all pending events from the queue and then close
// the events loop channel so Brain.HandleEvents() can exit.
for _, evt := range queue {
b.eventsLoop <- evt
queue = append(queue, evt)
case outChan() <- nextEvt(): // disabled if len(queue) == 0
queue = queue[1:]
// handleEvent receives an event and dispatches it to all registered handlers
// using the reflect API. When all applicable handlers are called (maybe none)
// the function runs all event callbacks.
func (b *Brain) handleEvent(ctx context.Context, evt Event) {
event := reflect.ValueOf(evt.Data)
typ := event.Type()
handlers := b.determineHandlers(typ)
b.logger.Debug("Handling new event",
zap.Stringer("event_type", typ),
zap.Int("handlers", len(handlers)),
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, ctxKeyEvent, &evt)
for _, handler := range handlers {
err := b.executeEventHandler(ctx, handler, event)
if err != nil {
b.logger.Error("Event handler failed",
// TODO: somehow log the name of the handler
if evt.AbortEarly {
// Abort handler execution early instead of running any more
// handlers. The event state may have been changed by a handler, e.g.
// using the FinishEventContent(…) function.
for _, callback := range evt.Callbacks {
func (b *Brain) determineHandlers(evtType reflect.Type) []eventHandler {
defer b.mu.RUnlock()
var handlers []eventHandler
for handlerType, hh := range b.handlers {
if handlerType == evtType {
handlers = append(handlers, hh...)
if handlerType.Kind() == reflect.Interface && evtType.Implements(handlerType) {
handlers = append(handlers, hh...)
return handlers
func (b *Brain) executeEventHandler(ctx context.Context, handler eventHandler, event reflect.Value) error {
if b.handlerTimeout > 0 {
var cancel func()
ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(ctx, b.handlerTimeout)
defer cancel()
done := make(chan error)
go func() {
done <- handler(ctx, event)
select {
case err := <-done:
return err
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
// Shutdown stops the event handler loop of the Brain and waits until all pending
// events have been processed. After the brain is shutdown, it will no longer
// accept new events. The passed context can be used to stop waiting for any
// pending events or handlers and instead exit immediately (e.g. after a timeout
// or a second SIGTERM).
func (b *Brain) Shutdown(ctx context.Context) {
closing := atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&b.closed, 0, 1)
if !closing {
// brain is already shutting down
if !b.isHandlingEvents() {
// If the event handler loop is not running we must close the inputs
// channel from here and drain all pending requests in order to make
// b.consumeEvents() exit.
for {
select {
case _, ok := <-b.eventsLoop:
if !ok {
// The eventsLoop channel is closed in b.consumeEvents after
// all pending messages have been written to it.
case <-ctx.Done():
// shutdown context is expired so we return without waiting for
// any pending events.
// If we got here then the event handler loop is running and we delegate
// proper cleanup and processing of pending messages over there.
req := shutdownRequest{
ctx: ctx,
callback: make(chan bool),
b.shutdown <- req
func checkHandlerParams(handlerFunc reflect.Type) (evtType reflect.Type, withContext bool, err error) {
numParams := handlerFunc.NumIn()
if numParams == 0 || numParams > 2 {
err = errors.New("event handler needs one or two arguments")
evtType = handlerFunc.In(numParams - 1) // last argument must be the event
withContext = numParams == 2
if withContext {
contextInterface := reflect.TypeOf((*context.Context)(nil)).Elem()
if handlerFunc.In(1).Implements(contextInterface) {
err = errors.New("event handler context must be the first argument")
if !handlerFunc.In(0).Implements(contextInterface) {
err = errors.New("event handler has two arguments but the first is not a context.Context")
if evtType.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
err = errors.New("event handler argument cannot be a pointer")
return evtType, withContext, nil
func checkHandlerReturnValues(handlerFunc reflect.Type) (returnsError bool, err error) {
switch handlerFunc.NumOut() {
case 0:
return false, nil
case 1:
errorInterface := reflect.TypeOf((*error)(nil)).Elem()
if !handlerFunc.Out(0).Implements(errorInterface) {
err = errors.New("if the event handler has a return value it must implement the error interface")
return true, nil
return false, errors.Errorf("event handler has more than one return value")
func newHandlerFunc(handler reflect.Value, withContext, returnsErr bool) eventHandler {
return func(ctx context.Context, evt reflect.Value) (handlerErr error) {
defer func() {
if err := recover(); err != nil {
handlerErr = errors.Errorf("handler panic: %v", err)
var args []reflect.Value
if withContext {
args = []reflect.Value{
} else {
args = []reflect.Value{evt}
results := handler.Call(args)
if returnsErr && !results[0].IsNil() {
return results[0].Interface().(error)
return nil
func firstExternalCaller() string {
const depth = 32
var pcs [depth]uintptr
n := runtime.Callers(3, pcs[:])
callers := pcs[0:n]
frames := runtime.CallersFrames(callers)
for frame, more := frames.Next(); more; frame, more = frames.Next() {
if !strings.HasPrefix(frame.Function, "github.com/go-joe/joe.") {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", frame.File, frame.Line)
return "unknown caller"