import re from datetime import datetime, timezone from typing import TYPE_CHECKING from slidge.core.muc import LegacyBookmarks, LegacyMUC, LegacyParticipant, MucType from slixmpp.exceptions import XMPPError from .generated import whatsapp if TYPE_CHECKING: from .contact import Contact from .session import Session class Participant(LegacyParticipant): contact: "Contact" muc: "MUC" def send_text(self, body, legacy_msg_id, **kw): super().send_text(body, legacy_msg_id, **kw) self._store(legacy_msg_id) async def send_file(self, file_path, legacy_msg_id, **kw): await super().send_file(file_path, legacy_msg_id, **kw) self._store(legacy_msg_id) def _store(self, legacy_msg_id: str): if self.is_user: self.muc.sent[legacy_msg_id] = str(self.session.contacts.user_legacy_id) else: self.muc.sent[legacy_msg_id] = class MUC(LegacyMUC[str, str, Participant, str]): session: "Session" REACTIONS_SINGLE_EMOJI = True type = MucType.GROUP _ALL_INFO_FILLED_ON_STARTUP = True def __init__(self, *a, **kw): super().__init__(*a, **kw) self.sent = dict[str, str]() async def join(self, *a, **kw): await super().join(*a, **kw) try: avatar = self.session.whatsapp.GetAvatar(self.legacy_id, "") except RuntimeError: # no avatar pass else: if avatar.URL: self.avatar = avatar.URL def get_message_sender(self, legacy_msg_id: str): sender_legacy_id = self.sent.get(legacy_msg_id) if sender_legacy_id is None: raise XMPPError("internal-server-error", "Unable to find message sender") return sender_legacy_id async def update_whatsapp_info(self, info: whatsapp.Group): """ Set MUC information based on WhatsApp group information, which may or may not be partial in case of updates to existing MUCs. """ if info.Nickname: self.user_nick = info.Nickname if info.Name: = info.Name if info.Subject.Subject or info.Subject.SetAt: self.subject = info.Subject.Subject if info.Subject.SetAt: set_at = datetime.fromtimestamp(info.Subject.SetAt, tz=timezone.utc) self.subject_date = set_at if info.Subject.SetByJID: participant = await self.get_participant_by_legacy_id(info.Subject.SetByJID) if name := participant.nickname: self.subject_setter = name for ptr in info.Participants: data = whatsapp.GroupParticipant(handle=ptr) participant = await self.get_participant_by_legacy_id(data.JID) if data.Action == whatsapp.GroupParticipantActionRemove: self.remove_participant(participant) else: participant.affiliation = "member" if data.Affiliation == whatsapp.GroupAffiliationAdmin: participant.affiliation = "admin" elif data.Affiliation == whatsapp.GroupAffiliationOwner: participant.affiliation = "owner" def replace_mentions(self, t: str): return replace_mentions( t, participants={ c.jid_username: for c, p in self._participants_by_contacts.items() } | {self.session.user_phone: self.user_nick} if self.session.user_phone # user_phone *should* be set at this point, else {}, # but better safe than sorry ) class Bookmarks(LegacyBookmarks[str, MUC]): session: "Session" def __init__(self, session: "Session"): super().__init__(session) self.__filled = False async def fill(self): groups = self.session.whatsapp.GetGroups() for ptr in groups: await self.add_whatsapp_group(whatsapp.Group(handle=ptr)) self.__filled = True async def add_whatsapp_group(self, data: whatsapp.Group): muc = await self.by_legacy_id(data.JID) await muc.update_whatsapp_info(data) await muc.add_to_bookmarks() async def legacy_id_to_jid_local_part(self, legacy_id: str): return "#" + legacy_id[: legacy_id.find("@")] async def jid_local_part_to_legacy_id(self, local_part: str): if not local_part.startswith("#"): raise XMPPError("bad-request", "Invalid group ID, expected '#' prefix") if not self.__filled: raise XMPPError( "recipient-unavailable", "Still fetching group info, please retry later" ) whatsapp_group_id = ( local_part.removeprefix("#") + "@" + whatsapp.DefaultGroupServer ) if whatsapp_group_id not in self._mucs_by_legacy_id: raise XMPPError("item-not-found", f"No group found for {whatsapp_group_id}") return whatsapp_group_id def replace_mentions(t: str, participants: dict[str, str]): def match(m: re.Match): mat = sub = participants.get(mat.replace("@", "+"), mat) return sub return re.sub(r"@\d+", match, t)