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package whatsapp
import (
// Standard library.
// Third-party libraries.
// EventKind represents all event types recognized by the Python session adapter, as emitted by the
// Go session adapter.
type EventKind int
// The event types handled by the overarching session adapter handler.
const (
EventUnknown EventKind = iota
// EventPayload represents the collected payloads for all event types handled by the overarching
// session adapter handler. Only specific fields will be populated in events emitted by internal
// handlers, see documentation for specific types for more information.
type EventPayload struct {
QRCode string
PairDeviceID string
ConnectedJID string
Contact Contact
Presence Presence
Message Message
ChatState ChatState
Receipt Receipt
Group Group
Call Call
// A Avatar represents a small image representing a Contact or Group.
type Avatar struct {
ID string // The unique ID for this avatar, used for persistent caching.
URL string // The HTTP URL over which this avatar might be retrieved. Can change for the same ID.
// A Contact represents any entity that be communicated with directly in WhatsApp. This typically
// represents people, but may represent a business or bot as well, but not a group-chat.
type Contact struct {
JID string // The WhatsApp JID for this contact.
Name string // The user-set, human-readable name for this contact.
// NewContactEvent returns event data meant for [Session.propagateEvent] for the contact information
// given. Unknown or invalid contact information will return an [EventUnknown] event with nil data.
func newContactEvent(c *whatsmeow.Client, jid types.JID, info types.ContactInfo) (EventKind, *EventPayload) {
var contact = Contact{
JID: jid.ToNonAD().String(),
for _, n := range []string{info.FullName, info.FirstName, info.BusinessName, info.PushName} {
if n != "" {
contact.Name = n
// Don't attempt to synchronize contacts with no user-readable name.
if contact.Name == "" {
return EventUnknown, nil
return EventContact, &EventPayload{Contact: contact}
// PresenceKind represents the different kinds of activity states possible in WhatsApp.
type PresenceKind int
// The presences handled by the overarching session event handler.
const (
PresenceAvailable PresenceKind = 1 + iota
// Precence represents a contact's general state of activity, and is periodically updated as
// contacts start or stop paying attention to their client of choice.
type Presence struct {
JID string
Kind PresenceKind
LastSeen int64
// NewPresenceEvent returns event data meant for [Session.propagateEvent] for the primitive presence
// event given.
func newPresenceEvent(evt *events.Presence) (EventKind, *EventPayload) {
var presence = Presence{
JID: evt.From.ToNonAD().String(),
Kind: PresenceAvailable,
LastSeen: evt.LastSeen.Unix(),
if evt.Unavailable {
presence.Kind = PresenceUnavailable
return EventPresence, &EventPayload{Presence: presence}
// MessageKind represents all concrete message types (plain-text messages, edit messages, reactions)
// recognized by the Python session adapter.
type MessageKind int
// The message types handled by the overarching session event handler.
const (
MessagePlain MessageKind = 1 + iota
// A Message represents one of many kinds of bidirectional communication payloads, for example, a
// text message, a file (image, video) attachment, an emoji reaction, etc. Messages of different
// kinds are denoted as such, and re-use fields where the semantics overlap.
type Message struct {
Kind MessageKind // The concrete message kind being sent or received.
ID string // The unique message ID, used for referring to a specific Message instance.
JID string // The JID this message concerns, semantics can change based on IsCarbon.
GroupJID string // The JID of the group-chat this message was sent in, if any.
OriginJID string // For reactions and replies in groups, the JID of the original user.
Body string // The plain-text message body. For attachment messages, this can be a caption.
Timestamp int64 // The Unix timestamp denoting when this message was created.
IsCarbon bool // Whether or not this message concerns the gateway user themselves.
ReplyID string // The unique message ID this message is in reply to, if any.
ReplyBody string // The full body of the message this message is in reply to, if any.
Attachments []Attachment // The list of file (image, video, etc.) attachments contained in this message.
Preview Preview // A short description for the URL provided in the message body, if any.
MentionJIDs []string // A list of JIDs mentioned in this message, if any.
// A Attachment represents additional binary data (e.g. images, videos, documents) provided alongside
// a message, for display or storage on the recepient client.
type Attachment struct {
MIME string // The MIME type for attachment.
Filename string // The recommended file name for this attachment. May be an auto-generated name.
Caption string // The user-provided caption, provided alongside this attachment.
Path string // Local path to the file is stored on disk.
// Internal fields.
meta attachmentMetadata // Metadata specific to audio/video files, used in processing.
// A Preview represents a short description for a URL provided in a message body, as usually derived
// from the content of the page pointed at.
type Preview struct {
URL string // The original (or canonical) URL this preview was generated for.
Title string // The short title for the URL preview.
Description string // The (optional) long-form description for the URL preview.
ImagePath string // The local path for the image associated with the URL.
// NewMessageEvent returns event data meant for [Session.propagateEvent] for the primive message
// event given. Unknown or invalid messages will return an [EventUnknown] event with nil data.
func newMessageEvent(client *whatsmeow.Client, evt *events.Message) (EventKind, *EventPayload) {
// Set basic data for message, to be potentially amended depending on the concrete version of
// the underlying message.
var message = Message{
Kind: MessagePlain,
ID: evt.Info.ID,
JID: evt.Info.Sender.ToNonAD().String(),
Body: evt.Message.GetConversation(),
Timestamp: evt.Info.Timestamp.Unix(),
IsCarbon: evt.Info.IsFromMe,
if evt.Info.IsGroup {
message.GroupJID = evt.Info.Chat.ToNonAD().String()
} else if message.IsCarbon {
message.JID = evt.Info.Chat.ToNonAD().String()
// Handle handle protocol messages (such as message deletion or editing).
if p := evt.Message.GetProtocolMessage(); p != nil {
switch p.GetType() {
case proto.ProtocolMessage_MESSAGE_EDIT:
if m := p.GetEditedMessage(); m != nil {
message.Kind = MessageEdit
message.ID = p.Key.GetId()
message.Body = m.GetConversation()
} else {
return EventUnknown, nil
case proto.ProtocolMessage_REVOKE:
message.Kind = MessageRevoke
message.ID = p.Key.GetId()
message.OriginJID = p.Key.GetParticipant()
return EventMessage, &EventPayload{Message: message}
// Handle emoji reaction to existing message.
if r := evt.Message.GetReactionMessage(); r != nil {
message.Kind = MessageReaction
message.ID = r.Key.GetId()
message.Body = r.GetText()
return EventMessage, &EventPayload{Message: message}
// Handle message attachments, if any.
if attach, err := getMessageAttachments(client, evt.Message); err != nil {
client.Log.Errorf("Failed getting message attachments: %s", err)
return EventUnknown, nil
} else if len(attach) > 0 {
message.Attachments = append(message.Attachments, attach...)
message.Kind = MessageAttachment
// Get contact vCard from message, if any, converting it into an inline attachment.
if c := evt.Message.GetContactMessage(); c != nil {
tmp, err := createTempFile([]byte(c.GetVcard()))
if err != nil {
client.Log.Errorf("Failed getting contact message: %s", err)
return EventUnknown, nil
message.Attachments = append(message.Attachments, Attachment{
MIME: "text/vcard",
Filename: c.GetDisplayName() + ".vcf",
Path: tmp,
message.Kind = MessageAttachment
message = getMessageWithContext(message, c.GetContextInfo())
// Get extended information from message, if available. Extended messages typically represent
// messages with additional context, such as replies, forwards, etc.
if e := evt.Message.GetExtendedTextMessage(); e != nil {
if message.Body == "" {
message.Body = e.GetText()
message = getMessageWithContext(message, e.GetContextInfo())
// Ignore obviously invalid messages.
if message.Kind == MessagePlain && message.Body == "" {
return EventUnknown, nil
return EventMessage, &EventPayload{Message: message}
// GetMessageWithContext processes the given [Message] and applies any context metadata might be
// useful; examples of context include messages being quoted. If no context is found, the original
// message is returned unchanged.
func getMessageWithContext(message Message, info *proto.ContextInfo) Message {
if info == nil {
return message
message.ReplyID = info.GetStanzaId()
message.OriginJID = info.GetParticipant()
if q := info.GetQuotedMessage(); q != nil {
if qe := q.GetExtendedTextMessage(); qe != nil {
message.ReplyBody = qe.GetText()
} else {
message.ReplyBody = q.GetConversation()
return message
// GetMessageAttachments fetches and decrypts attachments (images, audio, video, or documents) sent
// via WhatsApp. Any failures in retrieving any attachment will return an error immediately.
func getMessageAttachments(client *whatsmeow.Client, message *proto.Message) ([]Attachment, error) {
var result []Attachment
var kinds = []whatsmeow.DownloadableMessage{
for _, msg := range kinds {
// Handle data for specific attachment type.
var a Attachment
switch msg := msg.(type) {
case *proto.ImageMessage:
a.MIME, a.Caption = msg.GetMimetype(), msg.GetCaption()
case *proto.AudioMessage:
a.MIME = msg.GetMimetype()
case *proto.VideoMessage:
a.MIME, a.Caption = msg.GetMimetype(), msg.GetCaption()
case *proto.DocumentMessage:
a.MIME, a.Caption, a.Filename = msg.GetMimetype(), msg.GetCaption(), msg.GetFileName()
case *proto.StickerMessage:
a.MIME = msg.GetMimetype()
// Ignore attachments with empty or unknown MIME types.
if a.MIME == "" {
// Set filename from SHA256 checksum and MIME type, if none is already set.
if a.Filename == "" {
a.Filename = fmt.Sprintf("%x%s", msg.GetFileSha256(), extensionByType(a.MIME))
// Attempt to download and decrypt raw attachment data, if any.
data, err := client.Download(msg)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tmp, err := createTempFile(data)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed writing to temporary file: %w", err)
a.Path = tmp
result = append(result, a)
return result, nil
// KnownMediaTypes represents MIME type to WhatsApp media types known to be handled by WhatsApp in a
// special way (that is, not as generic file uploads).
var knownMediaTypes = map[string]whatsmeow.MediaType{
"image/jpeg": whatsmeow.MediaImage,
"audio/mpeg": whatsmeow.MediaAudio,
"audio/mp4": whatsmeow.MediaAudio,
"audio/aac": whatsmeow.MediaAudio,
"audio/ogg": whatsmeow.MediaAudio,
"video/mp4": whatsmeow.MediaVideo,
// UploadAttachment attempts to push the given attachment data to WhatsApp according to the MIME
// type specified within. Attachments are handled as generic file uploads unless they're of a
// specific format; in addition, certain MIME types may be automatically converted to a
// well-supported type via FFmpeg (if available).
func uploadAttachment(client *whatsmeow.Client, attach *Attachment) (*proto.Message, error) {
var originalMIME = attach.MIME
if err := convertAttachment(attach); err != nil {
client.Log.Warnf("failed to auto-convert attachment: %s", err)
mediaType := knownMediaTypes[strings.Split(attach.MIME, ";")[0]]
if mediaType == "" {
mediaType = whatsmeow.MediaDocument
data, err := os.ReadFile(attach.Path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if len(data) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("attachment file contains no data")
upload, err := client.Upload(context.Background(), data, mediaType)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var message *proto.Message
switch mediaType {
case whatsmeow.MediaImage:
message = &proto.Message{
ImageMessage: &proto.ImageMessage{
Url: &upload.URL,
DirectPath: &upload.DirectPath,
MediaKey: upload.MediaKey,
Mimetype: &attach.MIME,
FileEncSha256: upload.FileEncSHA256,
FileSha256: upload.FileSHA256,
FileLength: ptrTo(uint64(len(data))),
case whatsmeow.MediaAudio:
if attach.meta == (attachmentMetadata{}) {
if err = populateAttachmentMetadata(attach); err != nil {
client.Log.Warnf("failed fetching attachment metadata: %s", err)
message = &proto.Message{
AudioMessage: &proto.AudioMessage{
Url: &upload.URL,
DirectPath: &upload.DirectPath,
MediaKey: upload.MediaKey,
Mimetype: &attach.MIME,
FileEncSha256: upload.FileEncSHA256,
FileSha256: upload.FileSHA256,
FileLength: ptrTo(uint64(len(data))),
Seconds: ptrTo(uint32(attach.meta.duration.Seconds())),
if attach.MIME == voiceMessageMIME {
message.AudioMessage.Ptt = ptrTo(true)
if wave, err := getAttachmentWaveform(attach); err != nil {
client.Log.Warnf("failed generating attachment waveform: %s", err)
} else {
message.AudioMessage.Waveform = wave
case whatsmeow.MediaVideo:
if attach.meta == (attachmentMetadata{}) {
if err = populateAttachmentMetadata(attach); err != nil {
client.Log.Warnf("failed fetching attachment metadata: %s", err)
message = &proto.Message{
VideoMessage: &proto.VideoMessage{
Url: &upload.URL,
DirectPath: &upload.DirectPath,
MediaKey: upload.MediaKey,
Mimetype: &attach.MIME,
FileEncSha256: upload.FileEncSHA256,
FileSha256: upload.FileSHA256,
FileLength: ptrTo(uint64(len(data))),
Seconds: ptrTo(uint32(attach.meta.duration.Seconds())),
Width: ptrTo(uint32(attach.meta.width)),
Height: ptrTo(uint32(attach.meta.height)),
if thumb, err := getAttachmentThumbnail(attach); err != nil {
client.Log.Warnf("failed generating attachment thumbnail: %s", err)
} else {
message.VideoMessage.JpegThumbnail = thumb
if originalMIME == animatedImageMIME {
message.VideoMessage.GifPlayback = ptrTo(true)
case whatsmeow.MediaDocument:
message = &proto.Message{
DocumentMessage: &proto.DocumentMessage{
Url: &upload.URL,
DirectPath: &upload.DirectPath,
MediaKey: upload.MediaKey,
Mimetype: &attach.MIME,
FileEncSha256: upload.FileEncSHA256,
FileSha256: upload.FileSHA256,
FileLength: ptrTo(uint64(len(data))),
FileName: &attach.Filename,
return message, nil
// KnownExtensions represents MIME type to file-extension mappings for basic, known media types.
var knownExtensions = map[string]string{
"image/jpeg": ".jpg",
"audio/ogg": ".oga",
"video/mp4": ".mp4",
// ExtensionByType returns the file extension for the given MIME type, or a generic extension if the
// MIME type is unknown.
func extensionByType(typ string) string {
// Handle common, known MIME types first.
if ext := knownExtensions[typ]; ext != "" {
return ext
if ext, _ := mime.ExtensionsByType(typ); len(ext) > 0 {
return ext[0]
return ".bin"
// ChatStateKind represents the different kinds of chat-states possible in WhatsApp.
type ChatStateKind int
// The chat states handled by the overarching session event handler.
const (
ChatStateComposing ChatStateKind = 1 + iota
// A ChatState represents the activity of a contact within a certain discussion, for instance,
// whether the contact is currently composing a message. This is separate to the concept of a
// Presence, which is the contact's general state across all discussions.
type ChatState struct {
Kind ChatStateKind
JID string
GroupJID string
// NewChatStateEvent returns event data meant for [Session.propagateEvent] for the primitive
// chat-state event given.
func newChatStateEvent(evt *events.ChatPresence) (EventKind, *EventPayload) {
var state = ChatState{JID: evt.MessageSource.Sender.ToNonAD().String()}
if evt.MessageSource.IsGroup {
state.GroupJID = evt.MessageSource.Chat.ToNonAD().String()
switch evt.State {
case types.ChatPresenceComposing:
state.Kind = ChatStateComposing
case types.ChatPresencePaused:
state.Kind = ChatStatePaused
return EventChatState, &EventPayload{ChatState: state}
// ReceiptKind represents the different types of delivery receipts possible in WhatsApp.
type ReceiptKind int
// The delivery receipts handled by the overarching session event handler.
const (
ReceiptDelivered ReceiptKind = 1 + iota
// A Receipt represents a notice of delivery or presentation for [Message] instances sent or
// received. Receipts can be delivered for many messages at once, but are generally all delivered
// under one specific state at a time.
type Receipt struct {
Kind ReceiptKind // The distinct kind of receipt presented.
MessageIDs []string // The list of message IDs to mark for receipt.
JID string
GroupJID string
Timestamp int64
IsCarbon bool
// NewReceiptEvent returns event data meant for [Session.propagateEvent] for the primive receipt
// event given. Unknown or invalid receipts will return an [EventUnknown] event with nil data.
func newReceiptEvent(evt *events.Receipt) (EventKind, *EventPayload) {
var receipt = Receipt{
MessageIDs: append([]string{}, evt.MessageIDs...),
JID: evt.MessageSource.Sender.ToNonAD().String(),
Timestamp: evt.Timestamp.Unix(),
IsCarbon: evt.MessageSource.IsFromMe,
if len(receipt.MessageIDs) == 0 {
return EventUnknown, nil
if evt.MessageSource.IsGroup {
receipt.GroupJID = evt.MessageSource.Chat.ToNonAD().String()
} else if receipt.IsCarbon {
receipt.JID = evt.MessageSource.Chat.ToNonAD().String()
switch evt.Type {
case events.ReceiptTypeDelivered:
receipt.Kind = ReceiptDelivered
case events.ReceiptTypeRead:
receipt.Kind = ReceiptRead
return EventReceipt, &EventPayload{Receipt: receipt}
// GroupAffiliation represents the set of privilidges given to a specific participant in a group.
type GroupAffiliation int
const (
GroupAffiliationNone GroupAffiliation = iota // None, or normal member group affiliation.
GroupAffiliationAdmin // Can perform some management operations.
GroupAffiliationOwner // Can manage group fully, including destroying the group.
// A Group represents a named, many-to-many chat space which may be joined or left at will. All
// fields apart from the group JID, are considered to be optional, and may not be set in cases where
// group information is being updated against previous assumed state. Groups in WhatsApp are
// generally invited to out-of-band with respect to overarching adaptor; see the documentation for
// [Session.GetGroups] for more information.
type Group struct {
JID string // The WhatsApp JID for this group.
Name string // The user-defined, human-readable name for this group.
Subject GroupSubject // The longer-form, user-defined description for this group.
Nickname string // Our own nickname in this group-chat.
Participants []GroupParticipant // The list of participant contacts for this group, including ourselves.
// A GroupSubject represents the user-defined group description and attached metadata thereof, for a
// given [Group].
type GroupSubject struct {
Subject string // The user-defined group description.
SetAt int64 // The exact time this group description was set at, as a timestamp.
SetByJID string // The JID of the user that set the subject.
// GroupParticipantAction represents the distinct set of actions that can be taken when encountering
// a group participant, typically to add or remove.
type GroupParticipantAction int
const (
GroupParticipantActionAdd GroupParticipantAction = iota // Default action; add participant to list.
GroupParticipantActionUpdate // Update existing participant information.
GroupParticipantActionRemove // Remove participant from list, if existing.
// A GroupParticipant represents a contact who is currently joined in a given group. Participants in
// WhatsApp can always be derived back to their individual [Contact]; there are no anonymous groups
// in WhatsApp.
type GroupParticipant struct {
JID string // The WhatsApp JID for this participant.
Affiliation GroupAffiliation // The set of priviledges given to this specific participant.
Action GroupParticipantAction // The specific action to take for this participant; typically to add.
// NewReceiptEvent returns event data meant for [Session.propagateEvent] for the primive group
// event given. Group data returned by this function can be partial, and callers should take care
// to only handle non-empty values.
func newGroupEvent(evt *events.GroupInfo) (EventKind, *EventPayload) {
var group = Group{JID: evt.JID.ToNonAD().String()}
if evt.Name != nil {
group.Name = evt.Name.Name
if evt.Topic != nil {
group.Subject = GroupSubject{
Subject: evt.Topic.Topic,
SetAt: evt.Topic.TopicSetAt.Unix(),
SetByJID: evt.Topic.TopicSetBy.ToNonAD().String(),
for _, p := range evt.Join {
group.Participants = append(group.Participants, GroupParticipant{
JID: p.ToNonAD().String(),
Action: GroupParticipantActionAdd,
for _, p := range evt.Leave {
group.Participants = append(group.Participants, GroupParticipant{
JID: p.ToNonAD().String(),
Action: GroupParticipantActionRemove,
for _, p := range evt.Promote {
group.Participants = append(group.Participants, GroupParticipant{
JID: p.ToNonAD().String(),
Action: GroupParticipantActionUpdate,
Affiliation: GroupAffiliationAdmin,
for _, p := range evt.Demote {
group.Participants = append(group.Participants, GroupParticipant{
JID: p.ToNonAD().String(),
Action: GroupParticipantActionUpdate,
Affiliation: GroupAffiliationNone,
return EventGroup, &EventPayload{Group: group}
// NewGroup returns a concrete [Group] for the primitive data given. This function will generally
// populate fields with as much data as is available from the remote, and is therefore should not
// be called when partial data is to be returned.
func newGroup(client *whatsmeow.Client, info *types.GroupInfo) Group {
var participants []GroupParticipant
for _, p := range info.Participants {
if p.Error > 0 {
var affiliation = GroupAffiliationNone
if p.IsSuperAdmin {
affiliation = GroupAffiliationOwner
} else if p.IsAdmin {
affiliation = GroupAffiliationAdmin
participants = append(participants, GroupParticipant{
JID: p.JID.ToNonAD().String(),
Affiliation: affiliation,
return Group{
JID: info.JID.ToNonAD().String(),
Name: info.GroupName.Name,
Subject: GroupSubject{
Subject: info.Topic,
SetAt: info.TopicSetAt.Unix(),
SetByJID: info.TopicSetBy.ToNonAD().String(),
Nickname: client.Store.PushName,
Participants: participants,
// CallState represents the state of the call to synchronize with.
type CallState int
// The call states handled by the overarching session event handler.
const (
CallMissed CallState = 1 + iota
// A Call represents an incoming or outgoing voice/video call made over WhatsApp. Full support for
// calls is currently not implemented, and this structure contains the bare minimum data required
// for notifying on missed calls.
type Call struct {
State CallState
JID string
Timestamp int64
// NewCallEvent returns event data meant for [Session.propagateEvent] for the call metadata given.
func newCallEvent(state CallState, meta types.BasicCallMeta) (EventKind, *EventPayload) {
return EventCall, &EventPayload{Call: Call{
State: state,
JID: meta.From.ToNonAD().String(),
Timestamp: meta.Timestamp.Unix(),