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782 lines
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package whatsapp
import (
// Standard library.
// Third-party libraries.
_ "github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3"
const (
// The default host part for user JIDs on WhatsApp.
DefaultUserServer = types.DefaultUserServer
// The default host part for group JIDs on WhatsApp.
DefaultGroupServer = types.GroupServer
// The number of times keep-alive checks can fail before attempting to re-connect the session.
keepAliveFailureThreshold = 3
// The minimum and maximum wait interval between connection retries after keep-alive check failure.
keepAliveMinRetryInterval = 5 * time.Second
keepAliveMaxRetryInterval = 5 * time.Minute
// The amount of time to wait before re-requesting contact presences WhatsApp. This is required
// since otherwise WhatsApp will assume that you're inactive, and will stop sending presence
// updates for contacts and groups. By default, this interval has a jitter of ± half its value
// (e.g. for an initial interval of 2 hours, the final value will range from 1 to 3 hours) in
// order to provide a more natural interaction with remote WhatsApp servers.
presenceRefreshInterval = 12 * time.Hour
// The maximum number of messages to request at a time when performing on-demand history
// synchronization.
maxHistorySyncMessages = 50
// HandleEventFunc represents a handler for incoming events sent to the Python Session, accepting an
// event type and payload. Note that this is distinct to the [Session.handleEvent] function, which
// may emit events into the Python Session event handler but which otherwise does not process across
// Python/Go boundaries.
type HandleEventFunc func(EventKind, *EventPayload)
// A Session represents a connection (active or not) between a linked device and WhatsApp. Active
// sessions need to be established by logging in, after which incoming events will be forwarded to
// the adapter event handler, and outgoing events will be forwarded to WhatsApp.
type Session struct {
device LinkedDevice // The linked device this session corresponds to.
eventHandler HandleEventFunc // The event handler for the overarching Session.
client *whatsmeow.Client // The concrete client connection to WhatsApp for this session.
gateway *Gateway // The Gateway this Session is attached to.
presenceChan chan PresenceKind // A channel used for periodically refreshing contact presences.
// Login attempts to authenticate the given [Session], either by re-using the [LinkedDevice] attached
// or by initiating a pairing session for a new linked device. Callers are expected to have set an
// event handler in order to receive any incoming events from the underlying WhatsApp session.
func (s *Session) Login() error {
var err error
var store *store.Device
// Try to fetch existing device from given device JID.
if s.device.ID != "" {
store, err = s.gateway.container.GetDevice(s.device.JID())
if err != nil {
return err
if store == nil {
store = s.gateway.container.NewDevice()
s.client = whatsmeow.NewClient(store, s.gateway.logger)
s.client.AutomaticMessageRerequestFromPhone = true
// Refresh contact presences on a set interval, to avoid issues with WhatsApp dropping them
// entirely. Contact presences are refreshed only if our current status is set to "available";
// otherwise, a refresh is queued up for whenever our status changes back to "available".
s.presenceChan = make(chan PresenceKind, 1)
go func() {
var newTimer = func(d time.Duration) *time.Timer {
return time.NewTimer(d + time.Duration(rand.Int63n(int64(d))-int64(d/2)))
var timer, timerStopped = newTimer(presenceRefreshInterval), false
var presence = PresenceAvailable
for {
select {
case <-timer.C:
if presence == PresenceAvailable {
timer, timerStopped = newTimer(presenceRefreshInterval), false
} else {
timerStopped = true
case p, ok := <-s.presenceChan:
if !ok && !timerStopped {
if !timer.Stop() {
} else if timerStopped && p == PresenceAvailable {
timer, timerStopped = newTimer(presenceRefreshInterval), false
presence = p
// Simply connect our client if already registered.
if s.client.Store.ID != nil {
return s.client.Connect()
// Attempt out-of-band registration of client via QR code.
qrChan, _ := s.client.GetQRChannel(context.Background())
if err = s.client.Connect(); err != nil {
return err
go func() {
for e := range qrChan {
if !s.client.IsConnected() {
switch e.Event {
case "code":
s.propagateEvent(EventQRCode, &EventPayload{QRCode: e.Code})
return nil
// Logout disconnects and removes the current linked device locally and initiates a logout remotely.
func (s *Session) Logout() error {
if s.client == nil || s.client.Store.ID == nil {
return nil
err := s.client.Logout()
s.client = nil
return err
// Disconnects detaches the current connection to WhatsApp without removing any linked device state.
func (s *Session) Disconnect() error {
if s.client != nil {
s.client = nil
return nil
// PairPhone returns a one-time code from WhatsApp, used for pairing this [Session] against the
// user's primary device, as identified by the given phone number. This will return an error if the
// [Session] is already paired, or if the phone number given is empty or invalid.
func (s *Session) PairPhone(phone string) (string, error) {
if s.client == nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Cannot pair for uninitialized session")
} else if s.client.Store.ID != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Refusing to pair for connected session")
} else if phone == "" {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Cannot pair for empty phone number")
code, err := s.client.PairPhone(phone, true, whatsmeow.PairClientChrome, "Chrome (Linux)")
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Failed to pair with phone number: %s", err)
return code, nil
// SendMessage processes the given Message and sends a WhatsApp message for the kind and contact JID
// specified within. In general, different message kinds require different fields to be set; see the
// documentation for the [Message] type for more information.
func (s *Session) SendMessage(message Message) error {
if s.client == nil || s.client.Store.ID == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Cannot send message for unauthenticated session")
jid, err := types.ParseJID(message.JID)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not parse sender JID for message: %s", err)
var payload *proto.Message
var extra whatsmeow.SendRequestExtra
switch message.Kind {
case MessageAttachment:
// Handle message with attachment, if any.
if len(message.Attachments) == 0 {
return nil
defer os.Remove(message.Attachments[0].Path)
// Upload attachment into WhatsApp before sending message.
if payload, err = uploadAttachment(s.client, &message.Attachments[0]); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed uploading attachment: %s", err)
extra.ID = message.ID
case MessageEdit:
// Edit existing message by ID.
payload = s.client.BuildEdit(s.device.JID().ToNonAD(), message.ID, s.getMessagePayload(message))
case MessageRevoke:
// Don't send message, but revoke existing message by ID.
var originJID types.JID
if message.OriginJID == "" {
// A message retraction by the person who sent it
originJID = types.EmptyJID
} else {
// A message moderation
originJID, err = types.ParseJID(message.OriginJID)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not parse sender JID for message: %s", err)
payload = s.client.BuildRevoke(jid, originJID, message.ID)
case MessageReaction:
// Send message as emoji reaction to a given message.
payload = &proto.Message{
ReactionMessage: &proto.ReactionMessage{
Key: &proto.MessageKey{
RemoteJid: &message.JID,
FromMe: &message.IsCarbon,
Id: &message.ID,
Participant: &message.OriginJID,
Text: &message.Body,
SenderTimestampMs: ptrTo(time.Now().UnixMilli()),
payload = s.getMessagePayload(message)
extra.ID = message.ID
s.gateway.logger.Debugf("Sending message to JID '%s': %+v", jid, payload)
_, err = s.client.SendMessage(context.Background(), jid, payload, extra)
return err
const (
// The maximum size thumbnail image we'll send in outgoing URL preview messages.
maxPreviewThumbnailSize = 1024 * 500 // 500KiB
// GetMessagePayload returns a concrete WhatsApp protocol message for the given Message representation.
// The specific fields set within the protocol message, as well as its type, can depend on specific
// fields set in the Message type, and may be nested recursively (e.g. when replying to a reply).
func (s *Session) getMessagePayload(message Message) *proto.Message {
var payload *proto.Message
// Compose extended message when made as a reply to a different message.
if message.ReplyID != "" {
// Fall back to our own JID if no origin JID has been specified, in which case we assume
// we're replying to our own messages.
if message.OriginJID == "" {
message.OriginJID = s.device.JID().ToNonAD().String()
payload = &proto.Message{
ExtendedTextMessage: &proto.ExtendedTextMessage{
Text: &message.Body,
ContextInfo: &proto.ContextInfo{
StanzaId: &message.ReplyID,
QuotedMessage: &proto.Message{Conversation: ptrTo(message.ReplyBody)},
Participant: &message.OriginJID,
// Add URL preview, if any was given in message.
if message.Preview.URL != "" {
if payload == nil {
payload = &proto.Message{ExtendedTextMessage: &proto.ExtendedTextMessage{Text: &message.Body}}
payload.ExtendedTextMessage.MatchedText = &message.Preview.URL
payload.ExtendedTextMessage.Title = &message.Preview.Title
if message.Preview.ImagePath != "" {
if buf, err := os.ReadFile(message.Preview.ImagePath); err == nil && len(buf) < maxPreviewThumbnailSize {
payload.ExtendedTextMessage.JpegThumbnail = buf
// Attach any inline mentions extended metadata.
if len(message.MentionJIDs) > 0 {
if payload == nil {
payload = &proto.Message{ExtendedTextMessage: &proto.ExtendedTextMessage{Text: &message.Body}}
if payload.ExtendedTextMessage.ContextInfo == nil {
payload.ExtendedTextMessage.ContextInfo = &proto.ContextInfo{}
payload.ExtendedTextMessage.ContextInfo.MentionedJid = message.MentionJIDs
if payload == nil {
payload = &proto.Message{Conversation: &message.Body}
return payload
// GenerateMessageID returns a valid, pseudo-random message ID for use in outgoing messages.
func (s *Session) GenerateMessageID() string {
return s.client.GenerateMessageID()
// SendChatState sends the given chat state notification (e.g. composing message) to WhatsApp for the
// contact specified within.
func (s *Session) SendChatState(state ChatState) error {
if s.client == nil || s.client.Store.ID == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Cannot send chat state for unauthenticated session")
jid, err := types.ParseJID(state.JID)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not parse sender JID for chat state: %s", err)
var presence types.ChatPresence
switch state.Kind {
case ChatStateComposing:
presence = types.ChatPresenceComposing
case ChatStatePaused:
presence = types.ChatPresencePaused
return s.client.SendChatPresence(jid, presence, "")
// SendReceipt sends a read receipt to WhatsApp for the message IDs specified within.
func (s *Session) SendReceipt(receipt Receipt) error {
if s.client == nil || s.client.Store.ID == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Cannot send receipt for unauthenticated session")
var jid, senderJID types.JID
var err error
if receipt.GroupJID != "" {
if senderJID, err = types.ParseJID(receipt.JID); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not parse sender JID for receipt: %s", err)
} else if jid, err = types.ParseJID(receipt.GroupJID); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not parse group JID for receipt: %s", err)
} else {
if jid, err = types.ParseJID(receipt.JID); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not parse sender JID for receipt: %s", err)
ids := append([]types.MessageID{}, receipt.MessageIDs...)
return s.client.MarkRead(ids, time.Unix(receipt.Timestamp, 0), jid, senderJID)
// SendPresence sets the activity state and (optional) status message for the current session and
// user. An error is returned if setting availability fails for any reason.
func (s *Session) SendPresence(presence PresenceKind, statusMessage string) error {
if s.client == nil || s.client.Store.ID == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Cannot send presence for unauthenticated session")
var err error
s.presenceChan <- presence
switch presence {
case PresenceAvailable:
err = s.client.SendPresence(types.PresenceAvailable)
case PresenceUnavailable:
err = s.client.SendPresence(types.PresenceUnavailable)
if err == nil && statusMessage != "" {
err = s.client.SetStatusMessage(statusMessage)
return err
// GetContacts subscribes to the WhatsApp roster currently stored in the Session's internal state.
// If `refresh` is `true`, FetchRoster will pull application state from the remote service and
// synchronize any contacts found with the adapter.
func (s *Session) GetContacts(refresh bool) ([]Contact, error) {
if s.client == nil || s.client.Store.ID == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Cannot get contacts for unauthenticated session")
// Synchronize remote application state with local state if requested.
if refresh {
err := s.client.FetchAppState(appstate.WAPatchCriticalUnblockLow, false, false)
if err != nil {
s.gateway.logger.Warnf("Could not get app state from server: %s", err)
// Synchronize local contact state with overarching gateway for all local contacts.
data, err := s.client.Store.Contacts.GetAllContacts()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed getting local contacts: %s", err)
var contacts []Contact
for jid, info := range data {
if err = s.client.SubscribePresence(jid); err != nil {
s.gateway.logger.Warnf("Failed to subscribe to presence for %s", jid)
_, c := newContactEvent(jid, info)
contacts = append(contacts, c.Contact)
return contacts, nil
// GetGroups returns a list of all group-chats currently joined in WhatsApp, along with additional
// information on present participants.
func (s *Session) GetGroups() ([]Group, error) {
if s.client == nil || s.client.Store.ID == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Cannot get groups for unauthenticated session")
data, err := s.client.GetJoinedGroups()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed getting groups: %s", err)
var groups []Group
for _, info := range data {
groups = append(groups, newGroup(s.client, info))
return groups, nil
// CreateGroup attempts to create a new WhatsApp group for the given human-readable name and
// participant JIDs given.
func (s *Session) CreateGroup(name string, participants []string) (Group, error) {
if s.client == nil || s.client.Store.ID == nil {
return Group{}, fmt.Errorf("Cannot create group for unauthenticated session")
var jids []types.JID
for _, p := range participants {
jid, err := types.ParseJID(p)
if err != nil {
return Group{}, fmt.Errorf("Could not parse participant JID: %s", err)
jids = append(jids, jid)
req := whatsmeow.ReqCreateGroup{Name: name, Participants: jids}
info, err := s.client.CreateGroup(req)
if err != nil {
return Group{}, fmt.Errorf("Could not create group: %s", err)
return newGroup(s.client, info), nil
// GetAvatar fetches a profile picture for the Contact or Group JID given. If a non-empty `avatarID`
// is also given, GetAvatar will return an empty [Avatar] instance with no error if the remote state
// for the given ID has not changed.
func (s *Session) GetAvatar(resourceID, avatarID string) (Avatar, error) {
if s.client == nil || s.client.Store.ID == nil {
return Avatar{}, fmt.Errorf("Cannot get avatar for unauthenticated session")
jid, err := types.ParseJID(resourceID)
if err != nil {
return Avatar{}, fmt.Errorf("Could not parse JID for avatar: %s", err)
p, err := s.client.GetProfilePictureInfo(jid, &whatsmeow.GetProfilePictureParams{ExistingID: avatarID})
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, whatsmeow.ErrProfilePictureNotSet) {
return Avatar{}, fmt.Errorf("Could not get avatar: %s", err)
} else if p != nil {
return Avatar{ID: p.ID, URL: p.URL}, nil
return Avatar{}, nil
// SetAvatar updates the profile picture for the Contact or Group JID given; it can also update the
// profile picture for our own user by providing an empty JID. The unique picture ID is returned,
// typically used as a cache reference or in providing to future calls for [Session.GetAvatar].
func (s *Session) SetAvatar(resourceID, avatarPath string) (string, error) {
if s.client == nil || s.client.Store.ID == nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Cannot set avatar for unauthenticated session")
var jid types.JID
var err error
if avatarPath != "" {
defer os.Remove(avatarPath)
// Setting the profile picture for the user expects an empty `resourceID`.
if resourceID == "" {
jid = types.EmptyJID
} else if jid, err = types.ParseJID(resourceID); err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Could not parse JID for avatar: %s", err)
if avatarPath == "" {
return s.client.SetGroupPhoto(jid, nil)
} else {
// Ensure avatar is in JPEG format, and convert before setting if needed.
if err = convertImage(&Attachment{Path: avatarPath}); err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Failed converting avatar to JPEG: %s", err)
avatar, err := os.ReadFile(avatarPath)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Failed reading avatar: %s", err)
return s.client.SetGroupPhoto(jid, avatar)
// SetGroupName updates the name of a WhatsApp group
func (s *Session) SetGroupName(resourceID, name string) error {
if s.client == nil || s.client.Store.ID == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Cannot set group name for unauthenticated session")
jid, err := types.ParseJID(resourceID)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not parse JID for group name change: %s", err)
return s.client.SetGroupName(jid, name)
// SetGroupTopic updates the topic of a WhatsApp group
func (s *Session) SetGroupTopic(resourceID, topic string) error {
if s.client == nil || s.client.Store.ID == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Cannot set group topic for unauthenticated session")
jid, err := types.ParseJID(resourceID)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not parse JID for group topic change: %s", err)
return s.client.SetGroupTopic(jid, "", "", topic)
func (s *Session) SetAffiliation(groupID, participantID string, change whatsmeow.ParticipantChange) ([]types.GroupParticipant, error) {
if s.client == nil || s.client.Store.ID == nil {
return make([]types.GroupParticipant, 0), fmt.Errorf("Cannot set affiliation for unauthenticated session")
groupJID, err := types.ParseJID(groupID)
if err != nil {
return make([]types.GroupParticipant, 0), fmt.Errorf("Could not parse JID for affiliation change: %s", err)
participantJID, err := types.ParseJID(participantID)
if err != nil {
return make([]types.GroupParticipant, 0), fmt.Errorf("Could not parse JID for affiliation change: %s", err)
return s.client.UpdateGroupParticipants(groupJID, []types.JID{participantJID}, change)
// FindContact attempts to check for a registered contact on WhatsApp corresponding to the given
// phone number, returning a concrete instance if found; typically, only the contact JID is set. No
// error is returned if no contact was found, but any unexpected errors will otherwise be returned
// directly.
func (s *Session) FindContact(phone string) (Contact, error) {
if s.client == nil || s.client.Store.ID == nil {
return Contact{}, fmt.Errorf("Cannot find contact for unauthenticated session")
resp, err := s.client.IsOnWhatsApp([]string{phone})
if err != nil {
return Contact{}, fmt.Errorf("Failed looking up contact '%s': %s", phone, err)
} else if len(resp) != 1 {
return Contact{}, fmt.Errorf("Failed looking up contact '%s': invalid response", phone)
} else if !resp[0].IsIn || resp[0].JID.IsEmpty() {
return Contact{}, nil
return Contact{JID: resp[0].JID.ToNonAD().String()}, nil
// RequestMessageHistory sends and asynchronous request for message history related to the given
// resource (e.g. Contact or Group JID), ending at the oldest message given. Messages returned from
// history should then be handled as a `HistorySync` event of type `ON_DEMAND`, in the session-wide
// event handler. An error will be returned if requesting history fails for any reason.
func (s *Session) RequestMessageHistory(resourceID string, oldestMessage Message) error {
if s.client == nil || s.client.Store.ID == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Cannot request history for unauthenticated session")
jid, err := types.ParseJID(resourceID)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not parse JID for history request: %s", err)
info := &types.MessageInfo{
ID: oldestMessage.ID,
MessageSource: types.MessageSource{Chat: jid, IsFromMe: oldestMessage.IsCarbon},
Timestamp: time.Unix(oldestMessage.Timestamp, 0).UTC(),
req := s.client.BuildHistorySyncRequest(info, maxHistorySyncMessages)
_, err = s.client.SendMessage(context.Background(), s.device.JID().ToNonAD(), req, whatsmeow.SendRequestExtra{Peer: true})
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to request history for %s: %s", resourceID, err)
return nil
// SetEventHandler assigns the given handler function for propagating internal events into the Python
// gateway. Note that the event handler function is not entirely safe to use directly, and all calls
// should instead be made via the [propagateEvent] function.
func (s *Session) SetEventHandler(h HandleEventFunc) {
s.eventHandler = h
// PropagateEvent handles the given event kind and payload with the adapter event handler defined in
// SetEventHandler. If no event handler is set, this function will return early with no error.
func (s *Session) propagateEvent(kind EventKind, payload *EventPayload) {
if s.eventHandler == nil {
s.gateway.logger.Errorf("Event handler not set when propagating event %d with payload %v", kind, payload)
} else if kind == EventUnknown {
// Send empty payload instead of a nil pointer, as Python has trouble handling the latter.
if payload == nil {
payload = &EventPayload{}
// Don't allow other Goroutines from using this thread, as this might lead to concurrent use of
// the GIL, which can lead to crashes.
defer runtime.UnlockOSThread()
s.eventHandler(kind, payload)
// HandleEvent processes the given incoming WhatsApp event, checking its concrete type and
// propagating it to the adapter event handler. Unknown or unhandled events are ignored, and any
// errors that occur during processing are logged.
func (s *Session) handleEvent(evt interface{}) {
s.gateway.logger.Debugf("Handling event '%T': %+v", evt, evt)
switch evt := evt.(type) {
case *events.AppStateSyncComplete:
if len(s.client.Store.PushName) > 0 && evt.Name == appstate.WAPatchCriticalBlock {
s.propagateEvent(EventConnected, &EventPayload{ConnectedJID: s.device.JID().ToNonAD().String()})
if err := s.client.SendPresence(types.PresenceAvailable); err != nil {
s.gateway.logger.Warnf("Failed to send available presence: %s", err)
case *events.Connected, *events.PushNameSetting:
if len(s.client.Store.PushName) == 0 {
s.propagateEvent(EventConnected, &EventPayload{ConnectedJID: s.device.JID().ToNonAD().String()})
if err := s.client.SendPresence(types.PresenceAvailable); err != nil {
s.gateway.logger.Warnf("Failed to send available presence: %s", err)
case *events.HistorySync:
switch evt.Data.GetSyncType() {
case proto.HistorySync_PUSH_NAME:
for _, n := range evt.Data.GetPushnames() {
jid, err := types.ParseJID(n.GetId())
if err != nil {
s.propagateEvent(newContactEvent(jid, types.ContactInfo{FullName: n.GetPushname()}))
if err = s.client.SubscribePresence(jid); err != nil {
s.gateway.logger.Warnf("Failed to subscribe to presence for %s", jid)
case proto.HistorySync_INITIAL_BOOTSTRAP, proto.HistorySync_RECENT, proto.HistorySync_ON_DEMAND:
for _, c := range evt.Data.GetConversations() {
for _, msg := range c.GetMessages() {
s.propagateEvent(newEventFromHistory(s.client, msg.GetMessage()))
case *events.Message:
s.propagateEvent(newMessageEvent(s.client, evt))
case *events.Receipt:
case *events.Presence:
case *events.PushName:
s.propagateEvent(newContactEvent(evt.JID, types.ContactInfo{FullName: evt.NewPushName}))
case *events.JoinedGroup:
s.propagateEvent(EventGroup, &EventPayload{Group: newGroup(s.client, &evt.GroupInfo)})
case *events.GroupInfo:
case *events.ChatPresence:
case *events.CallTerminate:
if evt.Reason == "timeout" {
s.propagateEvent(newCallEvent(CallMissed, evt.BasicCallMeta))
case *events.LoggedOut:
if err := s.client.Store.Delete(); err != nil {
s.gateway.logger.Warnf("Unable to delete local device state on logout: %s", err)
s.client = nil
s.propagateEvent(EventLoggedOut, nil)
case *events.PairSuccess:
if s.client.Store.ID == nil {
s.gateway.logger.Errorf("Pairing succeeded, but device ID is missing")
deviceID := s.client.Store.ID.String()
s.propagateEvent(EventPair, &EventPayload{PairDeviceID: deviceID})
if err := s.gateway.CleanupSession(LinkedDevice{ID: deviceID}); err != nil {
s.gateway.logger.Warnf("Failed to clean up devices after pair: %s", err)
case *events.KeepAliveTimeout:
if evt.ErrorCount > keepAliveFailureThreshold {
s.gateway.logger.Debugf("Forcing reconnection after keep-alive timeouts...")
go func() {
var interval = keepAliveMinRetryInterval
for {
err := s.client.Connect()
if err == nil || err == whatsmeow.ErrAlreadyConnected {
s.gateway.logger.Errorf("Error reconnecting after keep-alive timeouts, retrying in %s: %s", interval, err)
if interval > keepAliveMaxRetryInterval {
interval = keepAliveMaxRetryInterval
} else if interval < keepAliveMaxRetryInterval {
interval *= 2
// PtrTo returns a pointer to the given value, and is used for convenience when converting between
// concrete and pointer values without assigning to a variable.
func ptrTo[T any](t T) *T {
return &t