mirror of https://github.com/deuill/grawkit.git synced 2024-06-02 01:35:33 +00:00

454 lines
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Raw Normal View History

#!/usr/bin/gawk -f
# Grawkit — The Awksome Git Graph Generator.
# ==========================================
# Grawkit is a tool that helps build SVG graphs from Git command-line descriptions.
# This documentation is built using Markdown syntax, and can be parsed out by
# running `make doc` in the project root. Please check the project's README file
# for additional information.
# Built-in Functions
# ------------------
# This section contains global helper functions, used across different rules, as
# defined in the next section below.
# > Function `addbranch` adds a new, empty branch to the internal list of branches
# > to render.
function addbranch(name) {
branches[len["branches"],"name"] = name
branches[len["branches"],"refs"] = ""
branches[len["branches"],"tags"] = ""
2016-12-31 18:19:50 +00:00
# Branches created before the first commit is established extend to the
# beginning of time.
if (state["HEAD"] != "") {
branches[len["branches"],"merges"] = state["branch"] "|" state["HEAD"]
} else {
branches[len["branches"],"merges"] = len["branches"] "|0"
len["branches"] += 1
2016-12-31 18:19:50 +00:00
# > Function `addcommit` adds a new commit, with a specific type and message,
# > to the internal list of commits to render.
function addcommit(type, message) {
# Add commit information.
2016-12-31 18:19:50 +00:00
commits[len["commits"],"type"] = type
commits[len["commits"],"message"] = message
# Update commit references.
if (branches[state["branch"],"refs"] == "") {
branches[state["branch"],"refs"] = len["commits"]
} else {
branches[state["branch"],"refs"] = branches[state["branch"],"refs"] "," len["commits"]
state["HEAD"] = len["commits"]
len["commits"] += 1
2016-12-31 18:19:50 +00:00
# > Function `normalize` removes invalid characters and makes string lower-case.
function normalize(text) {
text = gensub("[/_. ]", "-", "g", tolower(text))
return text
# > Function `branch` renders pre-defined branch under a specific name to its
# > SVG representation.
function branch(idx, _, buf, tmp, refs, tags, t, i, hspc, vspc) {
# Do not render branch with no commits.
if (branches[idx,"refs"] == "") {
# Get commit refs.
split(branches[idx,"refs"], refs, ",")
hspc = idx * style["branch/spacing"]
# Print branch root element.
2016-12-31 18:19:50 +00:00
buf = "\n" sprintf(svg["g"], "branch-" normalize(branches[idx,"name"]))
# Add path for branch.
tmp = "M" hspc "," refs[1] * style["commit/spacing"]
tmp = tmp " L" hspc "," refs[length(refs)] * style["commit/spacing"]
# Print path.
buf = buf "\n\t" sprintf(svg["path"], tmp)
# Add commits on path.
for (i in refs) {
vspc = refs[i] * style["commit/spacing"]
tmp = sprintf(svg["circle"], hspc, vspc, style["commit/radius"])
buf = buf "\n\t" tmp
# Add branch tags as labels.
split(branches[idx,"tags"], tags, ",")
for (i in tags) {
split(tags[i], t, "|")
buf = buf label(t[1], t[2], t[3])
# Add branch name as label on last commit.
buf = buf label(refs[length(refs)], "branch", branches[idx,"name"])
return buf "\n" svg["/g"]
# > Function `label` adds a sidebar label at commit index, with a specific class
# > and label name. Multiple labels for the same index will be placed side-by-side.
function label(idx, class, name, _, buf, w, h, hspc, vspc) {
2016-12-31 18:19:50 +00:00
# Calculate width and height for label rectangle. Pitch size is set to 0.525
# here, which is approximately right for 'Inconsolata', but may vary for other
# fonts, as fixed width fonts are usually twice as tall as they are wide.
w = ((style["label/font-size"] * 0.525) * length(name)) + style["label/spacing"]
h = style["label/font-size"] + style["label/spacing"]
# Calculate label offsets.
hspc = (len["branches"] * style["branch/spacing"]) + label_offset[idx]
vspc = idx * style["commit/spacing"]
# Store width of labels in relation to their commit index.
label_offset[idx] += w + style["label/spacing"]
# Draw label elements.
buf = buf "\n\t" sprintf(svg["gg"], "label-" class, hspc, vspc)
2016-12-31 18:19:50 +00:00
buf = buf "\n\t\t" sprintf(svg["rect"], 0, style["label/font-size"] * -1, w, h, style["label/round"])
buf = buf "\n\t\t" sprintf(svg["text"], style["label/spacing"] / 2, style["label/spacing"] / 4, name)
buf = buf "\n\t" svg["/g"]
return buf
# > Function `merge` renders merge paths for a branch pointed to by `idx`.
function merge(idx, _, buf, tmp, refs, fields, m, i, hspc) {
# Do not render merge paths for branch with no commits.
if (branches[idx,"merges"] == "") {
# Get commit refs.
split(branches[idx,"refs"], refs, ",")
hspc = idx * style["branch/spacing"]
# Print branch root element.
2016-12-31 18:19:50 +00:00
buf = "\n\t" sprintf(svg["g"], normalize("branch-" branches[idx,"name"]))
# Add merge paths for branch, if any.
split(branches[idx,"merges"], fields, ",")
2016-12-31 18:19:50 +00:00
for (i in fields) {
split(fields[i], m, "|")
# Add starting point to previous branch ending point.
tmp = "M" m[1] * style["branch/spacing"] "," m[2] * style["commit/spacing"]
# Add Bezier curve leading to current branch starting point.
tmp = tmp " C" hspc "," m[2] * style["commit/spacing"]
tmp = tmp " " hspc "," m[2] * style["commit/spacing"]
tmp = tmp " " hspc "," refs[1] * style["commit/spacing"]
# Draw the path.
buf = buf "\n\t\t" sprintf(svg["path"], tmp)
return buf "\n\t" svg["/g"]
# Global Declarations
# -------------------
# This block contains logic for initializing global variables used across Grawkit.
# Errors.
2016-12-31 18:19:50 +00:00
error["branch/no-name"] = "Empty name for `git branch`, line %d\n"
error["branch/duplicate"] = "Unable to create duplicate branch '%s', line %d\n"
error["checkout/no-branch"] = "No branch with name '%s', line %d\n"
2016-12-31 18:19:50 +00:00
error["checkout/no-name"] = "Empty name for `git checkout`, line %d\n"
2016-12-31 18:19:50 +00:00
error["merge/no-name"] = "Empty name for `git merge`, line %d\n"
error["label/no-name"] = "Empty name for `git tag`, line %d\n"
2016-12-31 18:19:50 +00:00
# Rule matching.
rule["commit"] = "^git commit"
rule["commit/message"] = "(--message|-m)[ ]+['|\"]([^'\"]+)['|\"]"
rule["branch"] = "^git branch"
rule["branch/name"] = rule["branch"] "[ ]*([^ ]+)"
rule["checkout"] = "^git checkout"
rule["checkout/name"] = rule["checkout"] "[ ]*([^ ]+)"
rule["merge"] = "^git merge"
rule["merge/name"] = rule["merge"] "[ ]*([^ ]+)"
rule["tag"] = "^git tag"
rule["label/name"] = rule["tag"] "[ ]*([^ ]+)"
# Style definitions.
style["branch/spacing"] = "50"
style["branch/fill"] = "none"
style["branch/stroke-width"] = "10"
style["commit/spacing"] = "50"
style["commit/fill"] = "#fff"
style["commit/stroke-width"] = style["branch/stroke-width"] / 2
style["commit/radius"] = style["commit/stroke-width"] * 1.5
style["label/spacing"] = "10"
style["label/round"] = "3"
style["label/fill"] = "#333"
style["label/text"] = "#fff"
style["label/font"] = "Inconsolata, Consolas, monospace"
2016-12-31 18:19:50 +00:00
style["label/font-size"] = "14"
# Color scheme, based on `base16-solarized-dark`
style["pallete"] = "#002b36,#268bd2,#859900,#cb4b16,#2aa198,#dc322f,#d33682,#6c71c4,#b58900"
# Static SVG templates.
svg["svg"] = "<svg xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\" viewBox=\"%d %d %d %d\">"
svg["/svg"] = "</svg>"
svg["g"] = "<g class=\"%s\">"
svg["gg"] = "<g class=\"%s\" transform=\"translate(%d,%d)\">"
svg["/g"] = "</g>"
svg["path"] = "<path class=\"branch\" d=\"%s\" />"
svg["circle"] = "<circle class=\"commit\" cx=\"%d\" cy=\"%d\" r=\"%s\" />"
svg["rect"] = "<rect x=\"%d\" y=\"%d\" width=\"%d\" height=\"%d\" rx=\"%d\" class=\"label-rect\" />"
svg["text"] = "<text x=\"%d\" y=\"%d\" class=\"label-text\">%s</text>"
# Branch definitions.
branches[0,"name"] = "master"
2016-12-31 18:19:50 +00:00
branches[0,"refs"] = ""
branches[0,"merges"] = ""
branches[0,"tags"] = ""
len["branches"] = 1
# Commit definitions.
2016-12-31 18:19:50 +00:00
commits[0,"type"] = ""
commits[0,"message"] = ""
len["commits"] = 0
# Tracks the state across calls.
state["branch"] = 0
2016-12-31 18:19:50 +00:00
state["HEAD"] = ""
# Rule Definitions
# ----------------
# This block contains definitions for line manipulation rules used across Grawkit.
# Rules may or may not be exclusive, i.e. the effects of one rule may cascade to
# subsequent rules for the same line.
# > Match `git commit` declarations.
$0 ~ rule["commit"] {
# Get commit message, if any.
match($0, rule["commit/message"], m)
# Add new commit.
2016-12-31 18:19:50 +00:00
addcommit("commit", (2 in m) ? m[2] : "Empty message")
# > Match `git branch` declarations.
$0 ~ rule["branch"] {
# Get branch name and throw error if one is not set.
match($0, rule["branch/name"], n)
if (n[1] == "") {
printf error["branch/no-name"], FNR
exit 1
# Throw error if branch already exists.
for (i = 0; i < len["branches"]; i++) {
if (branches[i,"name"] == n[1]) {
printf error["branch/duplicate"], n[1], FNR | "cat >&2"
exit 1
# Add empty branch as a placeholder.
# > Match `git checkout` declarations.
$0 ~ rule["checkout"] {
# Get branch name and throw error if one is not set.
match($0, rule["checkout/name"], n)
if (n[1] == "") {
printf error["checkout/no-name"], FNR | "cat >&2"
exit 1
# Throw error if branch does not exist.
found = 0
for (i = 0; i < len["branches"]; i++) {
if (branches[i,"name"] == n[1]) {
found = 1
if (found == 0) {
printf error["branch/no-branch"], n[1], FNR | "cat >&2"
exit 1
# Set internal state.
state["branch"] = i
2016-12-31 18:19:50 +00:00
split(branches[i,"refs"], refs, ",")
state["HEAD"] = refs[length(refs)]
# > Match `git merge` declarations.
$0 ~ rule["merge"] {
# Get branch name and throw error if one is not set.
match($0, rule["merge/name"], n)
if (n[1] == "") {
printf error["merge/no-name"], FNR | "cat >&2"
exit 1
# Throw error if branch does not exist.
found = 0
for (i = 0; i < len["branches"]; i++) {
if (branches[i,"name"] == n[1]) {
found = 1
if (found == 0) {
printf error["branch/no-branch"], n[1], FNR | "cat >&2"
exit 1
# Add a merge commit to current branch.
2016-12-31 18:19:50 +00:00
addcommit("merge", "Merge commit")
# Add merge reference to target branch.
if (branches[i,"merges"] == "") {
branches[i,"merges"] = state["branch"] "|" state["HEAD"]
} else {
branches[i,"merges"] = branches[i,"merges"] "," state["branch"] "|" state["HEAD"]
# > Match `git tag` declarations.
$0 ~ rule["tag"] {
# Get tag name and throw error if one is not set.
match($0, rule["label/name"], n)
if (n[1] == "") {
printf error["label/no-name"], FNR | "cat >&2"
exit 1
# Add tag reference to target branch.
if (branches[state["branch"],"tags"] == "") {
branches[state["branch"],"tags"] = state["HEAD"] "|tag|" n[1]
} else {
branches[state["branch"],"tags"] = branches[state["branch"],"tags"] "," state["HEAD"] "|tag|" n[1]
# SVG Graph Generation
# --------------------
# This block contains logic for building the final SVG output from Grawkit's
# internal state, as defined in the command-line provided.
2016-12-31 18:19:50 +00:00
w = 0
body = ""
# Print merge paths for branches.
for (i = len["branches"] - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
body = body merge(i)
if (body != "") {
body = sprintf(svg["g"], "merge") body
body = body "\n" svg["/g"]
# Print each branch and corresponding commits in turn.
for (i = len["branches"] - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
2016-12-31 18:19:50 +00:00
body = body branch(i)
2016-12-31 18:19:50 +00:00
# Calculate SVG canvas size, removing `master` branch from X offset if it
# contains no commits.
x = style["branch/stroke-width"] * -1
x += (branches[0,"refs"] == "") ? style["branch/spacing"] : 0
y = style["branch/stroke-width"] * -1
# Calculate canvas width from largest combined label offset.
for (i in label_offset) {
w = (label_offset[i] > w) ? label_offset[i] : w;
w += style["branch/spacing"] * len["branches"]
2016-12-31 18:19:50 +00:00
w -= (branches[0,"refs"] == "") ? style["branch/spacing"] : 0
h = (style["commit/spacing"] * (len["commits"] - 1)) + (style["commit/stroke-width"] * 4)
# Print SVG header.
2016-12-31 18:19:50 +00:00
printf svg["svg"], x, y, w, h
printf "\n"
# Print inline style definitions.
print "<style type=\"text/css\"><![CDATA["
print ".branch {"
print "\tfill: " style["branch/fill"] ";"
print "\tstroke-width: " style["branch/stroke-width"] ";"
2016-12-31 18:19:50 +00:00
print "\tstroke-linecap: round;"
print "}"
print ".commit {"
print "\tfill: " style["commit/fill"] ";"
print "\tstroke-width: " style["commit/stroke-width"] ";"
print "}"
print ".label-tag {"
print "\tfill: " style["label/fill"] ";"
print "}"
print ".label-rect {"
print "\tstroke: none;"
print "}"
print ".label-text {"
print "\tfont-family: " style["label/font"] ";"
2016-12-31 18:19:50 +00:00
print "\tfont-size: " style["label/font-size"] "px;"
print "\tfill: " style["label/text"] ";"
print "\tstroke: none;"
print "}"
split(style["pallete"], pallete, ",")
# Print color scheme definitions for branches.
for (i = 0; i < len["branches"]; i++) {
2016-12-31 18:19:50 +00:00
printf ".branch-" normalize(branches[i,"name"]) " {"
printf "stroke: " pallete[i + 1] "; fill: " pallete[i + 1] "}\n"
print "]]></style>"
# Print SVG body.
print body
# Print SVG footer.
print svg["/svg"]