mirror of https://github.com/deuill/grawkit.git synced 2024-09-28 08:22:46 +00:00
Alex Palaistras ec3cfbdf0e play: Update to latest Go and GoAWK versions
And vendor in dependencies, as is appropriate for end-products.
2022-01-22 14:54:50 +00:00

558 lines
12 KiB

// GoAWK parser - abstract syntax tree structs
package ast
import (
. "github.com/benhoyt/goawk/lexer"
// Stmts is a block containing multiple statements.
type Stmts []Stmt
func (ss Stmts) String() string {
lines := []string{}
for _, s := range ss {
subLines := strings.Split(s.String(), "\n")
for _, sl := range subLines {
lines = append(lines, " "+sl+"\n")
return strings.Join(lines, "")
// Action is pattern-action section of a program.
type Action struct {
Pattern []Expr
Stmts Stmts
func (a *Action) String() string {
patterns := make([]string, len(a.Pattern))
for i, p := range a.Pattern {
patterns[i] = p.String()
sep := ""
if len(patterns) > 0 && a.Stmts != nil {
sep = " "
stmtsStr := ""
if a.Stmts != nil {
stmtsStr = "{\n" + a.Stmts.String() + "}"
return strings.Join(patterns, ", ") + sep + stmtsStr
// Expr is the abstract syntax tree for any AWK expression.
type Expr interface {
String() string
// All these types implement the Expr interface.
func (e *FieldExpr) expr() {}
func (e *UnaryExpr) expr() {}
func (e *BinaryExpr) expr() {}
func (e *ArrayExpr) expr() {}
func (e *InExpr) expr() {}
func (e *CondExpr) expr() {}
func (e *NumExpr) expr() {}
func (e *StrExpr) expr() {}
func (e *RegExpr) expr() {}
func (e *VarExpr) expr() {}
func (e *IndexExpr) expr() {}
func (e *AssignExpr) expr() {}
func (e *AugAssignExpr) expr() {}
func (e *IncrExpr) expr() {}
func (e *CallExpr) expr() {}
func (e *UserCallExpr) expr() {}
func (e *MultiExpr) expr() {}
func (e *GetlineExpr) expr() {}
// FieldExpr is an expression like $0.
type FieldExpr struct {
Index Expr
func (e *FieldExpr) String() string {
return "$" + e.Index.String()
// UnaryExpr is an expression like -1234.
type UnaryExpr struct {
Op Token
Value Expr
func (e *UnaryExpr) String() string {
return e.Op.String() + e.Value.String()
// BinaryExpr is an expression like 1 + 2.
type BinaryExpr struct {
Left Expr
Op Token
Right Expr
func (e *BinaryExpr) String() string {
var opStr string
if e.Op == CONCAT {
opStr = " "
} else {
opStr = " " + e.Op.String() + " "
return "(" + e.Left.String() + opStr + e.Right.String() + ")"
// ArrayExpr is an array reference. Not really a stand-alone
// expression, except as an argument to split() or a user function
// call.
type ArrayExpr struct {
Scope VarScope
Index int
Name string
func (e *ArrayExpr) String() string {
return e.Name
// InExpr is an expression like (index in array).
type InExpr struct {
Index []Expr
Array *ArrayExpr
func (e *InExpr) String() string {
if len(e.Index) == 1 {
return "(" + e.Index[0].String() + " in " + e.Array.String() + ")"
indices := make([]string, len(e.Index))
for i, index := range e.Index {
indices[i] = index.String()
return "((" + strings.Join(indices, ", ") + ") in " + e.Array.String() + ")"
// CondExpr is an expression like cond ? 1 : 0.
type CondExpr struct {
Cond Expr
True Expr
False Expr
func (e *CondExpr) String() string {
return "(" + e.Cond.String() + " ? " + e.True.String() + " : " + e.False.String() + ")"
// NumExpr is a literal number like 1234.
type NumExpr struct {
Value float64
func (e *NumExpr) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%.6g", e.Value)
// StrExpr is a literal string like "foo".
type StrExpr struct {
Value string
func (e *StrExpr) String() string {
return strconv.Quote(e.Value)
// RegExpr is a stand-alone regex expression, equivalent to:
// $0 ~ /regex/.
type RegExpr struct {
Regex string
func (e *RegExpr) String() string {
escaped := strings.Replace(e.Regex, "/", `\/`, -1)
return "/" + escaped + "/"
type VarScope int
const (
ScopeSpecial VarScope = iota
// VarExpr is a variable reference (special var, global, or local).
// Index is the resolved variable index used by the interpreter; Name
// is the original name used by String().
type VarExpr struct {
Scope VarScope
Index int
Name string
func (e *VarExpr) String() string {
return e.Name
// IndexExpr is an expression like a[k] (rvalue or lvalue).
type IndexExpr struct {
Array *ArrayExpr
Index []Expr
func (e *IndexExpr) String() string {
indices := make([]string, len(e.Index))
for i, index := range e.Index {
indices[i] = index.String()
return e.Array.String() + "[" + strings.Join(indices, ", ") + "]"
// AssignExpr is an expression like x = 1234.
type AssignExpr struct {
Left Expr // can be one of: var, array[x], $n
Right Expr
func (e *AssignExpr) String() string {
return e.Left.String() + " = " + e.Right.String()
// AugAssignExpr is an assignment expression like x += 5.
type AugAssignExpr struct {
Left Expr // can be one of: var, array[x], $n
Op Token
Right Expr
func (e *AugAssignExpr) String() string {
return e.Left.String() + " " + e.Op.String() + "= " + e.Right.String()
// IncrExpr is an increment or decrement expression like x++ or --y.
type IncrExpr struct {
Expr Expr
Op Token
Pre bool
func (e *IncrExpr) String() string {
if e.Pre {
return e.Op.String() + e.Expr.String()
} else {
return e.Expr.String() + e.Op.String()
// CallExpr is a builtin function call like length($1).
type CallExpr struct {
Func Token
Args []Expr
func (e *CallExpr) String() string {
args := make([]string, len(e.Args))
for i, a := range e.Args {
args[i] = a.String()
return e.Func.String() + "(" + strings.Join(args, ", ") + ")"
// UserCallExpr is a user-defined function call like my_func(1, 2, 3)
// Index is the resolved function index used by the interpreter; Name
// is the original name used by String().
type UserCallExpr struct {
Native bool // false = AWK-defined function, true = native Go func
Index int
Name string
Args []Expr
func (e *UserCallExpr) String() string {
args := make([]string, len(e.Args))
for i, a := range e.Args {
args[i] = a.String()
return e.Name + "(" + strings.Join(args, ", ") + ")"
// MultiExpr isn't an interpretable expression, but it's used as a
// pseudo-expression for print[f] parsing.
type MultiExpr struct {
Exprs []Expr
func (e *MultiExpr) String() string {
exprs := make([]string, len(e.Exprs))
for i, e := range e.Exprs {
exprs[i] = e.String()
return "(" + strings.Join(exprs, ", ") + ")"
// GetlineExpr is an expression read from file or pipe input.
type GetlineExpr struct {
Command Expr
Target Expr
File Expr
func (e *GetlineExpr) String() string {
s := ""
if e.Command != nil {
s += e.Command.String() + " |"
s += "getline"
if e.Target != nil {
s += " " + e.Target.String()
if e.File != nil {
s += " <" + e.File.String()
return s
// IsLValue returns true if the given expression can be used as an
// lvalue (on the left-hand side of an assignment, in a ++ or --
// operation, or as the third argument to sub or gsub).
func IsLValue(expr Expr) bool {
switch expr.(type) {
case *VarExpr, *IndexExpr, *FieldExpr:
return true
return false
// Stmt is the abstract syntax tree for any AWK statement.
type Stmt interface {
String() string
// All these types implement the Stmt interface.
func (s *PrintStmt) stmt() {}
func (s *PrintfStmt) stmt() {}
func (s *ExprStmt) stmt() {}
func (s *IfStmt) stmt() {}
func (s *ForStmt) stmt() {}
func (s *ForInStmt) stmt() {}
func (s *WhileStmt) stmt() {}
func (s *DoWhileStmt) stmt() {}
func (s *BreakStmt) stmt() {}
func (s *ContinueStmt) stmt() {}
func (s *NextStmt) stmt() {}
func (s *ExitStmt) stmt() {}
func (s *DeleteStmt) stmt() {}
func (s *ReturnStmt) stmt() {}
func (s *BlockStmt) stmt() {}
// PrintStmt is a statement like print $1, $3.
type PrintStmt struct {
Args []Expr
Redirect Token
Dest Expr
func (s *PrintStmt) String() string {
return printString("print", s.Args, s.Redirect, s.Dest)
func printString(f string, args []Expr, redirect Token, dest Expr) string {
parts := make([]string, len(args))
for i, a := range args {
parts[i] = a.String()
str := f + " " + strings.Join(parts, ", ")
if dest != nil {
str += " " + redirect.String() + dest.String()
return str
// PrintfStmt is a statement like printf "%3d", 1234.
type PrintfStmt struct {
Args []Expr
Redirect Token
Dest Expr
func (s *PrintfStmt) String() string {
return printString("printf", s.Args, s.Redirect, s.Dest)
// ExprStmt is statement like a bare function call: my_func(x).
type ExprStmt struct {
Expr Expr
func (s *ExprStmt) String() string {
return s.Expr.String()
// IfStmt is an if or if-else statement.
type IfStmt struct {
Cond Expr
Body Stmts
Else Stmts
func (s *IfStmt) String() string {
str := "if (" + trimParens(s.Cond.String()) + ") {\n" + s.Body.String() + "}"
if len(s.Else) > 0 {
str += " else {\n" + s.Else.String() + "}"
return str
// ForStmt is a C-like for loop: for (i=0; i<10; i++) print i.
type ForStmt struct {
Pre Stmt
Cond Expr
Post Stmt
Body Stmts
func (s *ForStmt) String() string {
preStr := ""
if s.Pre != nil {
preStr = s.Pre.String()
condStr := ""
if s.Cond != nil {
condStr = " " + trimParens(s.Cond.String())
postStr := ""
if s.Post != nil {
postStr = " " + s.Post.String()
return "for (" + preStr + ";" + condStr + ";" + postStr + ") {\n" + s.Body.String() + "}"
// ForInStmt is a for loop like for (k in a) print k, a[k].
type ForInStmt struct {
Var *VarExpr
Array *ArrayExpr
Body Stmts
func (s *ForInStmt) String() string {
return "for (" + s.Var.String() + " in " + s.Array.String() + ") {\n" + s.Body.String() + "}"
// WhileStmt is a while loop.
type WhileStmt struct {
Cond Expr
Body Stmts
func (s *WhileStmt) String() string {
return "while (" + trimParens(s.Cond.String()) + ") {\n" + s.Body.String() + "}"
// DoWhileStmt is a do-while loop.
type DoWhileStmt struct {
Body Stmts
Cond Expr
func (s *DoWhileStmt) String() string {
return "do {\n" + s.Body.String() + "} while (" + trimParens(s.Cond.String()) + ")"
// BreakStmt is a break statement.
type BreakStmt struct{}
func (s *BreakStmt) String() string {
return "break"
// ContinueStmt is a continue statement.
type ContinueStmt struct{}
func (s *ContinueStmt) String() string {
return "continue"
// NextStmt is a next statement.
type NextStmt struct{}
func (s *NextStmt) String() string {
return "next"
// ExitStmt is an exit statement.
type ExitStmt struct {
Status Expr
func (s *ExitStmt) String() string {
var statusStr string
if s.Status != nil {
statusStr = " " + s.Status.String()
return "exit" + statusStr
// DeleteStmt is a statement like delete a[k].
type DeleteStmt struct {
Array *ArrayExpr
Index []Expr
func (s *DeleteStmt) String() string {
indices := make([]string, len(s.Index))
for i, index := range s.Index {
indices[i] = index.String()
return "delete " + s.Array.String() + "[" + strings.Join(indices, ", ") + "]"
// ReturnStmt is a return statement.
type ReturnStmt struct {
Value Expr
func (s *ReturnStmt) String() string {
var valueStr string
if s.Value != nil {
valueStr = " " + s.Value.String()
return "return" + valueStr
// BlockStmt is a stand-alone block like { print "x" }.
type BlockStmt struct {
Body Stmts
func (s *BlockStmt) String() string {
return "{\n" + s.Body.String() + "}"
// Function is the AST for a user-defined function.
type Function struct {
Name string
Params []string
Arrays []bool
Body Stmts
func (f *Function) String() string {
return "function " + f.Name + "(" + strings.Join(f.Params, ", ") + ") {\n" +
f.Body.String() + "}"
func trimParens(s string) string {
if strings.HasPrefix(s, "(") && strings.HasSuffix(s, ")") {
s = s[1 : len(s)-1]
return s