
533 lines
16 KiB

// Package resolver assigns integer indexes to functions and variables, as
// well as determining and checking their types (scalar or array).
package resolver
import (
// ResolvedProgram is a parsed AWK program plus variable scope and type data
// prepared by the resolver that is needed for subsequent interpretation.
type ResolvedProgram struct {
resolver *resolver
// LookupVar looks up a (possibly-local) variable by function name and
// variable name, returning its scope, info, and whether it exists.
func (r *ResolvedProgram) LookupVar(funcName, name string) (Scope, VarInfo, bool) {
scope, info, _, exists := r.resolver.lookupVar(funcName, name)
return scope, info, exists
// IterVars iterates over the variables from the given function ("" to iterate
// globals), calling f for each variable.
func (r *ResolvedProgram) IterVars(funcName string, f func(name string, info VarInfo)) {
for name, info := range r.resolver.varInfo[funcName] {
f(name, info)
// LookupFunc looks up a function by name, returning its info and whether it
// exists.
func (r *ResolvedProgram) LookupFunc(name string) (FuncInfo, bool) {
info, ok := r.resolver.funcInfo[name]
return info, ok
// IterFuncs iterates over all the functions, including native (Go-defined)
// ones, calling f for each function.
func (r *ResolvedProgram) IterFuncs(f func(name string, info FuncInfo)) {
for name, info := range r.resolver.funcInfo {
f(name, info)
// VarInfo holds resolved information about a variable.
type VarInfo struct {
Type Type
Index int
// FuncInfo holds resolved information about a function.
type FuncInfo struct {
Native bool // true if function is a native (Go-defined) function
Index int
Params []string // list of parameter names
// Scope represents the scope of a variable.
type Scope int
const (
Local Scope = iota + 1 // locals (function parameters)
Special // special variables (such as NF)
Global // globals
func (s Scope) String() string {
switch s {
case Local:
return "local"
case Special:
return "special"
case Global:
return "global"
return "unknown scope"
// Type represents the type of a variable: scalar or array.
type Type int
const (
unknown Type = iota
func (t Type) String() string {
switch t {
case Scalar:
return "scalar"
case Array:
return "array"
return "unknown type"
// Config holds resolver configuration.
type Config struct {
// Enable printing of type information
DebugTypes bool
// io.Writer to print type information on (for example, os.Stderr)
DebugWriter io.Writer
// Map of named Go functions to allow calling from AWK. See docs
// on interp.Config.Funcs for details.
Funcs map[string]interface{}
// Resolve assigns integer indexes to functions and variables, as well as
// determining and checking their types (scalar or array).
func Resolve(prog *ast.Program, config *Config) *ResolvedProgram {
if config == nil {
config = &Config{}
// Assign indexes to native (Go-defined) functions, in order of name.
// Do this before our first pass, so that AWK-defined functions override
// Go-defined ones and take precedence.
funcInfo := make(map[string]FuncInfo)
var nativeNames []string
for name := range config.Funcs {
nativeNames = append(nativeNames, name)
for i, name := range nativeNames {
funcInfo[name] = FuncInfo{Native: true, Index: i}
// First pass determines call graph so we can process functions in
// topological order: e.g., if f() calls g(), process g first, then f.
callGraph := callGraphVisitor{
calls: make(map[string]map[string]struct{}),
funcs: make(map[string]*ast.Function),
funcInfo: funcInfo,
ast.Walk(&callGraph, prog)
orderedFuncs := topoSort(callGraph.calls)
// Ensure functions that weren't called are added to the orderedFuncs list
// (order of those doesn't matter, so add them at the end).
called := make(map[string]struct{}, len(orderedFuncs))
for _, name := range orderedFuncs {
called[name] = struct{}{}
for name := range callGraph.funcs {
if _, ok := called[name]; !ok {
orderedFuncs = append(orderedFuncs, name)
// Define the local variable names (we don't know their types yet).
varInfo := make(map[string]map[string]VarInfo)
for funcName, info := range funcInfo {
if info.Native {
varInfo[funcName] = make(map[string]VarInfo)
for _, param := range info.Params {
varInfo[funcName][param] = VarInfo{}
// Create our type resolver.
r := resolver{varInfo: varInfo, funcInfo: funcInfo, funcs: callGraph.funcs}
r.varInfo[""] = make(map[string]VarInfo) // func of "" stores global vars
// Interpreter relies on ARGV and other built-in arrays being present.
r.recordVar("", "ARGV", Array, lexer.Position{1, 1})
r.recordVar("", "ENVIRON", Array, lexer.Position{1, 1})
r.recordVar("", "FIELDS", Array, lexer.Position{1, 1})
// Main resolver pass: determine types of variables and find function
// information. Can't call ast.Walk on prog directly, as it will not
// iterate through functions in topological (call graph) order.
main := mainVisitor{r: &r, nativeFuncs: config.Funcs}
updates := r.updates
main.walkOrdered(prog, orderedFuncs)
// Do additional passes while we're still making type updates. Topological
// sorting takes care of ordinary call graphs, but additional passes are
// needed for at least these two cases:
// 1. Functions which don't use their parameters, such as f1's A parameter
// in this example:
// function f1(A) {} function f2(x, A) { x[0]; f1(a); f2(a) }
// 2. For complex mutually-recursive functions, such as this example:
// function f1(a) { if (0) f5(z1); f2(a) }
// function f2(b) { if (0) f4(z2); f3(b) }
// function f3(c) { if (0) f3(z3); f4(c) }
// function f4(d) { if (0) f2(z4); f5(d) }
// function f5(i) { if (0) f1(z5); i[1]=42 }
// BEGIN { x[1]=3; f5(x); print x[1] }
// Limit it to a sensible maximum number of iterations that almost
// certainly won't happen in the real world.
for i := 0; r.updates != updates; i++ {
updates = r.updates
main.walkOrdered(prog, orderedFuncs)
if i >= 100 {
panic(ast.PosErrorf(lexer.Position{1, 1},
"too many iterations trying to resolve variable types"))
// For any variables that are still unknown, set their type to scalar.
// This can happen for unused variables, such as in the following:
// { f(z) } function f(x) { print NR }
for _, infos := range r.varInfo {
for varName, info := range infos {
if info.Type == unknown {
infos[varName] = VarInfo{Type: Scalar, Index: info.Index}
// Assign indexes to globals and locals (separate for scalars and arrays).
for funcName, infos := range r.varInfo {
var names []string
if funcName == "" {
// For global vars, order indexes by name.
for name := range infos {
names = append(names, name)
} else {
// For local vars, order indexes by parameter order.
names = r.funcInfo[funcName].Params
scalar := 0
array := 0
for _, name := range names {
info := infos[name]
if info.Type == Array {
infos[name] = VarInfo{Type: info.Type, Index: array}
} else {
infos[name] = VarInfo{Type: info.Type, Index: scalar}
if config.DebugTypes {
printVarTypes(config.DebugWriter, r.varInfo, r.funcInfo)
return &ResolvedProgram{
Program: *prog,
resolver: &r,
// Print variable type information (for debugging) on given writer.
func printVarTypes(w io.Writer, varInfo map[string]map[string]VarInfo, funcInfo map[string]FuncInfo) {
var funcNames []string
for funcName := range varInfo {
funcNames = append(funcNames, funcName)
for _, funcName := range funcNames {
if funcName != "" {
info := funcInfo[funcName]
fmt.Fprintf(w, "function %s(%s) # index %d\n",
funcName, strings.Join(info.Params, ", "), info.Index)
} else {
fmt.Fprintln(w, "globals")
var varNames []string
for name := range varInfo[funcName] {
varNames = append(varNames, name)
for _, name := range varNames {
info := varInfo[funcName][name]
fmt.Fprintf(w, " %s: %s %d\n", name, info.Type, info.Index)
// resolver tracks variable scopes and types as well as function information.
type resolver struct {
varInfo map[string]map[string]VarInfo
funcInfo map[string]FuncInfo
funcs map[string]*ast.Function
updates int
// Look up variable from function funcName and return its scope and type
// information, the function it was defined in, and whether it exists.
func (r *resolver) lookupVar(funcName, varName string) (scope Scope, info VarInfo, varFunc string, exists bool) {
// If inside a function, try looking for a local variable first.
if funcName != "" {
if info, exists = r.varInfo[funcName][varName]; exists {
return Local, info, funcName, true
// Next try looking for a special variable (such as NR).
index := ast.SpecialVarIndex(varName)
if index > 0 {
// Special variables are all scalar (ARGV and similar are done as
// regular arrays).
return Special, VarInfo{Type: Scalar, Index: index}, "", true
// Then try looking for a global variable.
if info, exists = r.varInfo[""][varName]; exists {
return Global, info, "", true
return 0, VarInfo{}, "", false // not defined at all
// Record that the given variable (in function funcName) is of the given type.
func (r *resolver) recordVar(funcName, varName string, typ Type, pos lexer.Position) {
_, info, varFunc, exists := r.lookupVar(funcName, varName)
if !exists {
// Doesn't exist as a local or a global, add it as a new global.
r.varInfo[""][varName] = VarInfo{Type: typ}
if _, isFunc := r.funcs[varName]; isFunc {
panic(ast.PosErrorf(pos, "global var %q can't also be a function", varName))
if info.Type != typ && info.Type != unknown && typ != unknown {
panic(ast.PosErrorf(pos, "can't use %s %q as %s", info.Type, varName, typ))
if info.Type == unknown && typ != unknown {
r.varInfo[varFunc][varName] = VarInfo{Type: typ, Index: info.Index}
// callGraphVisitor records what functions are called by the current function
// to build our call graph.
type callGraphVisitor struct {
calls map[string]map[string]struct{} // map of current function to called function
funcs map[string]*ast.Function
funcInfo map[string]FuncInfo
curFunc string
func (v *callGraphVisitor) Visit(node ast.Node) ast.Visitor {
switch n := node.(type) {
case *ast.Function:
if _, ok := v.funcs[n.Name]; ok {
panic(ast.PosErrorf(n.Pos, "function %q already defined", n.Name))
v.funcInfo[n.Name] = FuncInfo{Index: len(v.funcs), Params: n.Params}
v.funcs[n.Name] = n
v.curFunc = n.Name
ast.WalkStmtList(v, n.Body)
v.curFunc = ""
case *ast.UserCallExpr:
if _, ok := v.calls[v.curFunc]; !ok {
v.calls[v.curFunc] = make(map[string]struct{})
v.calls[v.curFunc][n.Name] = struct{}{}
ast.WalkExprList(v, n.Args)
return v
return nil
// mainVisitor records types of variables and performs various checks.
type mainVisitor struct {
r *resolver
nativeFuncs map[string]interface{}
curFunc string
// Walk prog's AST, with functions walked as ordered by orderedFuncs.
func (v *mainVisitor) walkOrdered(prog *ast.Program, orderedFuncs []string) {
for _, funcName := range orderedFuncs {
if funcName == "" {
continue // BEGIN, END, and actions are processed below
function, exists := v.r.funcs[funcName]
if !exists {
// Happens in the case where someone tries to call a local
// variable as a function: function f(x) { x() }. That is checked
// and flagged as an error in the visitor.
v.curFunc = funcName
ast.WalkStmtList(v, function.Body)
v.curFunc = ""
for _, stmts := range prog.Begin {
ast.WalkStmtList(v, stmts)
for _, action := range prog.Actions {
ast.Walk(v, action)
for _, stmts := range prog.End {
ast.WalkStmtList(v, stmts)
func (v *mainVisitor) Visit(node ast.Node) ast.Visitor {
switch n := node.(type) {
case *ast.VarExpr:
v.r.recordVar(v.curFunc, n.Name, Scalar, n.Pos)
case *ast.ForInStmt:
v.r.recordVar(v.curFunc, n.Var, Scalar, n.VarPos)
v.r.recordVar(v.curFunc, n.Array, Array, n.ArrayPos)
ast.WalkStmtList(v, n.Body)
case *ast.IndexExpr:
ast.WalkExprList(v, n.Index)
v.r.recordVar(v.curFunc, n.Array, Array, n.ArrayPos)
case *ast.InExpr:
ast.WalkExprList(v, n.Index)
v.r.recordVar(v.curFunc, n.Array, Array, n.ArrayPos)
case *ast.DeleteStmt:
v.r.recordVar(v.curFunc, n.Array, Array, n.ArrayPos)
ast.WalkExprList(v, n.Index)
case *ast.CallExpr:
switch n.Func {
case lexer.F_SPLIT:
ast.Walk(v, n.Args[0])
varExpr := n.Args[1].(*ast.VarExpr) // split()'s 2nd arg is always an array
v.r.recordVar(v.curFunc, varExpr.Name, Array, varExpr.Pos)
ast.WalkExprList(v, n.Args[2:])
case lexer.F_LENGTH:
if len(n.Args) > 0 {
if varExpr, ok := n.Args[0].(*ast.VarExpr); ok {
// In a call to length(x), x may be a scalar or an array,
// so set it to unknown for now.
v.r.recordVar(v.curFunc, varExpr.Name, unknown, varExpr.Pos)
return nil
ast.WalkExprList(v, n.Args)
ast.WalkExprList(v, n.Args)
case *ast.UserCallExpr:
_, _, varFunc, exists := v.r.lookupVar(v.curFunc, n.Name)
if varFunc != "" && exists {
panic(ast.PosErrorf(n.Pos, "can't call local variable %q as function", n.Name))
funcInfo, exists := v.r.funcInfo[n.Name]
if !exists {
panic(ast.PosErrorf(n.Pos, "undefined function %q", n.Name))
numParams := len(funcInfo.Params)
if funcInfo.Native {
typ := reflect.TypeOf(v.nativeFuncs[n.Name])
numParams = typ.NumIn()
if typ.IsVariadic() {
numParams = 1000000000 // bigger than any reasonable len(n.Args) value!
if len(n.Args) > numParams {
panic(ast.PosErrorf(n.Pos, "%q called with more arguments than declared", n.Name))
for i, arg := range n.Args {
varExpr, ok := arg.(*ast.VarExpr)
if !ok {
// Argument is not a variable, process normally.
if !funcInfo.Native {
paramInfo := v.r.varInfo[n.Name][funcInfo.Params[i]] // type info of corresponding parameter
if paramInfo.Type == Array {
panic(ast.PosErrorf(n.Pos, "can't pass scalar %s as array param", arg))
ast.Walk(v, arg)
if funcInfo.Native {
// Arguments to native function can only be scalar.
v.r.recordVar(v.curFunc, varExpr.Name, Scalar, varExpr.Pos)
// Variable passed to AWK-defined function may be scalar or array,
// determine from how it was used elsewhere.
paramName := funcInfo.Params[i] // name of corresponding parameter
paramInfo := v.r.varInfo[n.Name][paramName] // type info of parameter
_, varInfo, _, _ := v.r.lookupVar(v.curFunc, varExpr.Name)
switch {
case varInfo.Type == unknown && paramInfo.Type != unknown:
// Variable's type is not known but param type is, set variable type.
v.r.recordVar(v.curFunc, varExpr.Name, paramInfo.Type, varExpr.Pos)
case varInfo.Type != unknown && paramInfo.Type == unknown:
// Variable's type is known but param type is not, set param type.
funcPos := v.r.funcs[n.Name].Pos // best position we have at this point
v.r.recordVar(n.Name, paramName, varInfo.Type, funcPos)
case varInfo.Type != paramInfo.Type && varInfo.Type != unknown && paramInfo.Type != unknown:
// Both types are known but don't match -- type error!
panic(ast.PosErrorf(varExpr.Pos, "can't pass %s %q as %s param",
varInfo.Type, varExpr.Name, paramInfo.Type))
// Ensure variable references are recorded, even if the type
// is not yet known.
v.r.recordVar(v.curFunc, varExpr.Name, unknown, varExpr.Pos)
return v
return nil