
225 lines
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package interp
// I/O streams are interfaces which allow file redirects and command pipelines to be treated
// equivalently.
import (
const (
notClosedExitCode = -127
var (
doubleCloseError = errors.New("close: stream already closed")
// firstError returns the first non-nil error or nil if all errors are nil.
func firstError(errs ...error) error {
for _, err := range errs {
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Close the cmd and convert the error result into the result returned from goawk builtin functions.
// A nil error is returned if that error describes a non-zero exit status or an unhandled signal.
// Any other type of error returns -1 and err.
// The result mimicks gawk for expected child process errors:
// 1. Returns the exit status of the child process and nil error on normal process exit.
// 2. Returns 256 + signal on unhandled signal exit.
// 3. Returns 512 + signal on unhandled signal exit which caused a core dump.
func waitExitCode(cmd *exec.Cmd) (int, error) {
err := cmd.Wait()
if err == nil {
return 0, nil
ee, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError)
if !ok {
// Wait() returned an io error.
return -1, err
status, ok := ee.ProcessState.Sys().(syscall.WaitStatus)
if !ok {
// Maybe not all platforms support WaitStatus?
return -1, err
switch {
case status.CoreDump():
return 512 + int(status.Signal()), nil
case status.Signaled():
return 256 + int(status.Signal()), nil
case status.Exited():
return status.ExitStatus(), nil
return -1, err
type inputStream interface {
ExitCode() int
type outputStream interface {
Flush() error
ExitCode() int
type outFileStream struct {
closer io.Closer
exitCode int
closed bool
func newOutFileStream(wc io.WriteCloser, size int) outputStream {
b := bufio.NewWriterSize(wc, size)
return &outFileStream{b, wc, notClosedExitCode, false}
func (s *outFileStream) Close() error {
if s.closed {
return doubleCloseError
s.closed = true
flushErr := s.Writer.Flush()
closeErr := s.closer.Close()
if err := firstError(flushErr, closeErr); err != nil {
s.exitCode = -1
return err
s.exitCode = 0
return nil
func (s *outFileStream) ExitCode() int {
return s.exitCode
type outCmdStream struct {
closer io.Closer
cmd *exec.Cmd
exitCode int
closed bool
func newOutCmdStream(cmd *exec.Cmd) (outputStream, error) {
w, err := cmd.StdinPipe()
if err != nil {
return nil, newError("error connecting to stdin pipe: %v", err)
err = cmd.Start()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
out := &outCmdStream{bufio.NewWriterSize(w, outputBufSize), w, cmd, notClosedExitCode, false}
return out, nil
func (s *outCmdStream) Close() error {
if s.closed {
return doubleCloseError
s.closed = true
flushErr := s.Writer.Flush()
closeErr := s.closer.Close()
var waitErr error
s.exitCode, waitErr = waitExitCode(s.cmd)
return firstError(waitErr, flushErr, closeErr)
func (s *outCmdStream) ExitCode() int {
return s.exitCode
// An outNullStream allows writes to not do anything while fulfilling the outputStream interface.
type outNullStream struct {
closed bool
func newOutNullStream() outputStream { return &outNullStream{io.Discard, false} }
func (s outNullStream) Flush() error { return nil }
func (s *outNullStream) Close() error {
if s.closed {
return doubleCloseError
s.closed = true
return nil
func (s outNullStream) ExitCode() int { return -1 }
type inFileStream struct {
exitCode int
closed bool
func newInFileStream(rc io.ReadCloser) inputStream {
return &inFileStream{rc, notClosedExitCode, false}
func (s *inFileStream) Close() error {
if s.closed {
return doubleCloseError
s.closed = true
if err := s.ReadCloser.Close(); err != nil {
s.exitCode = -1
return err
s.exitCode = 0
return nil
func (s *inFileStream) ExitCode() int {
return s.exitCode
type inCmdStream struct {
cmd *exec.Cmd
exitCode int
closed bool
func newInCmdStream(cmd *exec.Cmd) (inputStream, error) {
r, err := cmd.StdoutPipe()
if err != nil {
return nil, newError("error connecting to stdout pipe: %v", err)
err = cmd.Start()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &inCmdStream{r, cmd, notClosedExitCode, false}, nil
func (s *inCmdStream) Close() error {
if s.closed {
return doubleCloseError
s.closed = true
closeErr := s.ReadCloser.Close()
var waitErr error
s.exitCode, waitErr = waitExitCode(s.cmd)
return firstError(waitErr, closeErr)
func (s *inCmdStream) ExitCode() int {
return s.exitCode