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## Base build stage for Slidge, prepares and installs common dependencies.
FROM docker.io/library/python:$PYTHONVER-bookworm AS builder
ENV PATH="/venv/bin:/root/.local/bin:$PATH"
# rust/cargo is for building "cryptography" since they don't provide wheels for arm32
2024-02-17 07:59:31 +00:00
RUN echo "deb http://deb.debian.org/debian bookworm-backports main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list \
&& apt-get update -y && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
build-essential \
ca-certificates \
cargo \
curl \
git \
gcc \
g++ \
libffi-dev \
libssl-dev \
pkg-config \
python3-dev \
rustc \
2024-02-17 07:59:31 +00:00
&& apt-get install -y golang -t bookworm-backports
RUN pip install poetry
RUN python3 -m venv /venv
RUN ln -s /venv/lib/python$PYTHONVER /venv/lib/python
WORKDIR /build
ENV GOBIN="/usr/local/bin"
RUN go install -v github.com/go-python/gopy@latest
RUN go install golang.org/x/tools/cmd/goimports@latest
ENV PATH="/root/.local/bin:$PATH"
COPY poetry.lock pyproject.toml /build/
RUN poetry export --without-hashes > requirements.txt
RUN python3 -m pip install --requirement requirements.txt
COPY ./slidge_whatsapp/*.go ./slidge_whatsapp/go.* /build/
RUN gopy build -output=generated -no-make=true /build/
FROM docker.io/nicocool84/slidge-base AS slidge-whatsapp
Implement on-the-fly outgoing media conversion WhatsApp clients are set to accept only a specific set of media files as image, audio, or video messages, specifically: - Images must be in JPEG (non-progressive) format. - Audio messages must be in Opus-encoded Ogg if sent as voice messages, otherwise may be in MP3 or AAC format if not (though client support may vary). - Video messages must be in h264-encoded MP4, with some additional constraints on color format and profile used. Several edge-cases exist, e.g. with GIF files needing to be re-encoded as MP4 in order to be animated (and requiring extra metadata in messages to be called out as such). This commit implements a somewhat comprehensive media conversion scheme, built upon FFmpeg for audio and video, and native Go facilities for images, based on the source format. Specifically: - Audio files in `audio/mp4` or `audio/aac` format (corresponding to formats commonly used in Android and iOS XMPP clients, respectively) are automatically re-encoded as Opus-encoded voice messages. - Audio files in `audio/mpeg` (i.e. MP3 files) or `audio/ogg` format are sent as plain audio files in their own format, with varying client support assumed. - Images in `image/png` or `image/webp` format are automatically re-encoded as JPEG image messages. Conversely, images in `image/gif` format are re-encoded as MP4 video messages with auto-play enabled. - Videos in `video/webm` or `video/mp4` format are automatically re-encoded as MP4 video messages (the latter is re-encoded to ensure option compatibility). As stated above, all audio and video conversions require FFmpeg and FFprobe to be installed, and, if missing, will leave attachments unchanged (which may result these being sent as binary files). Image conversions do not rely on any external functionality, however. Current limits are: 10MiB for images and 20MiB for audio and video files; above these conversions will fail and original files will be sent instead. Future commits may see compatibility improved, or semantics corrected where these do not match expectations on the WhatsApp side.
2023-07-17 21:21:31 +00:00
USER root
RUN apt update -y && apt install ffmpeg -y
COPY --from=builder /venv /venv
COPY ./slidge_whatsapp/*.py /venv/lib/python/site-packages/legacy_module/
COPY --from=builder /build/generated /venv/lib/python/site-packages/legacy_module/generated
Implement on-the-fly outgoing media conversion WhatsApp clients are set to accept only a specific set of media files as image, audio, or video messages, specifically: - Images must be in JPEG (non-progressive) format. - Audio messages must be in Opus-encoded Ogg if sent as voice messages, otherwise may be in MP3 or AAC format if not (though client support may vary). - Video messages must be in h264-encoded MP4, with some additional constraints on color format and profile used. Several edge-cases exist, e.g. with GIF files needing to be re-encoded as MP4 in order to be animated (and requiring extra metadata in messages to be called out as such). This commit implements a somewhat comprehensive media conversion scheme, built upon FFmpeg for audio and video, and native Go facilities for images, based on the source format. Specifically: - Audio files in `audio/mp4` or `audio/aac` format (corresponding to formats commonly used in Android and iOS XMPP clients, respectively) are automatically re-encoded as Opus-encoded voice messages. - Audio files in `audio/mpeg` (i.e. MP3 files) or `audio/ogg` format are sent as plain audio files in their own format, with varying client support assumed. - Images in `image/png` or `image/webp` format are automatically re-encoded as JPEG image messages. Conversely, images in `image/gif` format are re-encoded as MP4 video messages with auto-play enabled. - Videos in `video/webm` or `video/mp4` format are automatically re-encoded as MP4 video messages (the latter is re-encoded to ensure option compatibility). As stated above, all audio and video conversions require FFmpeg and FFprobe to be installed, and, if missing, will leave attachments unchanged (which may result these being sent as binary files). Image conversions do not rely on any external functionality, however. Current limits are: 10MiB for images and 20MiB for audio and video files; above these conversions will fail and original files will be sent instead. Future commits may see compatibility improved, or semantics corrected where these do not match expectations on the WhatsApp side.
2023-07-17 21:21:31 +00:00
USER slidge
FROM builder AS slidge-whatsapp-dev
2023-05-13 15:09:53 +00:00
COPY --from=docker.io/nicocool84/slidge-prosody-dev:latest /etc/prosody/certs/localhost.crt /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/
RUN update-ca-certificates
Implement on-the-fly outgoing media conversion WhatsApp clients are set to accept only a specific set of media files as image, audio, or video messages, specifically: - Images must be in JPEG (non-progressive) format. - Audio messages must be in Opus-encoded Ogg if sent as voice messages, otherwise may be in MP3 or AAC format if not (though client support may vary). - Video messages must be in h264-encoded MP4, with some additional constraints on color format and profile used. Several edge-cases exist, e.g. with GIF files needing to be re-encoded as MP4 in order to be animated (and requiring extra metadata in messages to be called out as such). This commit implements a somewhat comprehensive media conversion scheme, built upon FFmpeg for audio and video, and native Go facilities for images, based on the source format. Specifically: - Audio files in `audio/mp4` or `audio/aac` format (corresponding to formats commonly used in Android and iOS XMPP clients, respectively) are automatically re-encoded as Opus-encoded voice messages. - Audio files in `audio/mpeg` (i.e. MP3 files) or `audio/ogg` format are sent as plain audio files in their own format, with varying client support assumed. - Images in `image/png` or `image/webp` format are automatically re-encoded as JPEG image messages. Conversely, images in `image/gif` format are re-encoded as MP4 video messages with auto-play enabled. - Videos in `video/webm` or `video/mp4` format are automatically re-encoded as MP4 video messages (the latter is re-encoded to ensure option compatibility). As stated above, all audio and video conversions require FFmpeg and FFprobe to be installed, and, if missing, will leave attachments unchanged (which may result these being sent as binary files). Image conversions do not rely on any external functionality, however. Current limits are: 10MiB for images and 20MiB for audio and video files; above these conversions will fail and original files will be sent instead. Future commits may see compatibility improved, or semantics corrected where these do not match expectations on the WhatsApp side.
2023-07-17 21:21:31 +00:00
RUN apt update -y && apt install ffmpeg -y
RUN pip install watchdog[watchmedo]
COPY ./watcher.py /
USER root
ENTRYPOINT ["python", "/watcher.py", "/venv/lib/python/site-packages/slidge:/venv/lib/python/site-packages/slidge_whatsapp", "--dev-mode", "--log-format", "%(levelname)s:%(threadName)s:%(name)s:%(message)s"]
# wheel builder
# docker buildx build . --target wheel \
# --platform linux/arm64,linux/amd64 \
# -o ./dist/
FROM builder AS builder-wheel
RUN pip install pybindgen
COPY go.* /build/
COPY README.md /build/
COPY slidge_whatsapp/*.py /build/slidge_whatsapp/
COPY slidge_whatsapp/*.go /build/slidge_whatsapp/
COPY build.py /build/
RUN poetry build
RUN ls -l ./dist
RUN python --version
FROM scratch as wheel
COPY --from=builder-wheel ./build/dist/* /